What is the meaning of relief?

What is the meaning of relief?

1 : the feeling of happiness that occurs when something unpleasant or distressing stops or does not happen What a relief to be home safe. 2 : removal or lessening of something painful or troubling I need relief from this headache. 3 : something that interrupts in a welcome way The rain was a relief from dry weather.

What does Relief mean in geology?

Relief is the term used for the differences in height from place to place on the land’s surface, and it is greatly affected by the underlying geology.

What is the relief of land?

In geography, a location’s relief is the difference between its highest and lowest elevations. For example, with both mountains and valleys in the area, the local relief of Yosemite National Park is impressive. A two-dimensional relief map displays the topography of a given area.

What does relief and drainage mean?

The features which are relatable to the landscape of particular areas is known as relief features. They are not same as drainage pattern which includes water channels. The meaning of relief in geography means the lowest and highest elevation points in the particular area. …

What are main relief features on the Earth?

THE LITHOSPHERE AND ASTHENOSPHERE The major relief features of the Earth—its continents and ocean basins—were created by the movements of plates on the surface of the Earth.

What are the 6 relief features of India?


  • the himalayas.
  • the indo – gangetic plain.
  • the peninsular plateau.
  • the costal plains.
  • the desert(thar)
  • the island.

What are called relief features?

Various features like mountains, hills, plateaus and plains are found on the earth’s surface. Elevations and depressions on the earth’s surface are known as the relief features of earth. Maps showing the relief features of earth are known as relief maps.

What are major relief divisions?

The Major Physiographic divisions of India : The relief divisions of India landmass can be divided in to the following groups.

  • The Himalayas.
  • The Indo – Gangetic plain.
  • The Peninsular plateau.
  • The coastal plains.
  • The Desert (The Thar)
  • The Islands.

What is the relief of India?

India’s most prevalent relief feature is plains, i.e. 42.2 per cent of the landscape. The Indian peninsula consists mainly of plains and occupies a total area of 700,000 sq km….Thank you.

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Why is India’s relief features so unique?

1 Answer. The relief of India displays a great physical variation: (i) India is one of the few countries, which is having almost all kind of physical features. (ii) The Himalayas are young fold mountain blocks which are helpful in blocking the cold winds arriving from North and causing rainfall in almost all over India …

How are Himalayas useful?

The Himalayas are a great climatic barrier. They save our country from the cold and dry winds of Central Asia, It also prevents the rain-laden monsoon winds of Indian Ocean from crossing over to Northern countries and causes heavy rain-fall in the Northern India.

What would happen if Himalayas did not exist?

Answer. If there were no Himalayas what would happen? ▶Our country will be affected by the extremely cold winds blowing from central Asia. ▶As India a river civilization, without Himalayas and it’s rivers, there would have been no civilization in North India.

Why are the high Himalayan ranges difficult to cross?

BECAUSE THERE IS LESS OXYGEN TO BREATH. As they are covered with ice it’s very high and cold . AS,WE HIGHER OXYGEN DECREASES.

How can we save the Himalayas?

High on Himalayas Studying vulnerable and endangered species. Working with local communities to help them live in harmony with wildlife. Promoting green infrastructure development. Creating an effective poaching control network.

How does the Himalayas protect India?

It traps the monsoon winds from Arabian sea and Bay of Bengal and forces them to shed their moisture content within the Indian sub-continent in the form of snow and rain. It also blocks the cold winter storms of East Asia from entering India, thus protecting us from severe cold.

What is being done to reduce the damage caused by deforestation in the Himalayas?

starting to planting trees . stop printing and go paperless . when shopping ,move towards buying recycled product mainly . when at home recycle as much as possible .

How does deforestation affect mountains?

By clearing a large section of land by cutting down all the trees the soil is made less stable which can lead to dangerous landslides. The physical geography of rivers, mountains, and plains can all be affected by deforestation and the clear-cutting of large pieces of forest around the world.

What is the importance of northern mountains to Pakistan?

The northern mountain barrier influences the precipitation pattern in Pakistan by intercepting monsoon (rain-bearing) winds from the south. Melting snow and glacial meltwater from the mountains also feed the rivers, including the Indus, which emerge from the east-west-aligned ranges to flow southward.

What is deforestation define?

Deforestation refers to the decrease in forest areas across the world that are lost for other uses such as agricultural croplands, urbanization, or mining activities. Greatly accelerated by human activities since 1960, deforestation has been negatively affecting natural ecosystems, biodiversity, and the climate.

Why is deforestation so bad?

Deforestation and the destruction of forest habitat is the leading cause of extinction on the planet. On top of that, the capacity of forests to pull greenhouse gases from the atmosphere is lost as forests are cut. Forest loss contributes about 15-20% of all annual greenhouse gas emissions.

Why are so many trees being cut down?

People cut down trees for lots of reasons. This is because people need to build stores, houses, and other buildings. People also cut down trees to clear land for agricultural use. In some cases, trees are cut down for wood for fires to heat up their homes and cook food.

Do trees block 5G?

The 5G standard uses millimeter waves, which are a lot shorter than the wavelengths 4G uses. The shorter wavelength means 5G can carry a lot of data much faster than 4G, but it also means a much shorter range. because even trees can block 5G signals.

Do trees block 5G signals?

“Trees are cut down because they block 5G signals and, in addition to this, more space is required for new transmitter antennas.” Trees, buildings, vehicles and even rain can influence how 5G signals propagate.

What is destroying the rainforest?

Direct human causes of deforestation include logging, agriculture, cattle ranching, mining, oil extraction and dam-building. Every year about 18m hectares of forest – an area the size of England and Wales – is cleared. World Resources Institute.