What is the meaning of Kanker?

What is the meaning of Kanker?


What does canker mean in literature?

1 obsolete : to infect with a spreading sore. 2 : to corrupt the spirit of a relationship cankered by jealousy.

What is canker in plants?

Canker, plant disease, caused by numerous species of fungi and bacteria, that occurs primarily on woody species. Symptoms include round-to-irregular sunken, swollen, flattened, cracked, discoloured, or dead areas on the stems (canes), twigs, limbs, or trunk.

What causes canker disease?

A fungus that enters the tree and grows between the bark and the wood killing the bark generally causes cankers. However, cankers can also be caused by damage from weed eaters, lawnmowers, chemicals, insects or environmental conditions. The canker itself makes the tree highly vulnerable to bacteria, fungus and insects.

What does Apple canker look like?

Cankers are round or oval areas of dead, sunken bark, often starting at a wound or a bud. You may see the following symptoms: On small branches and fruiting spurs: The infection may girdle the stem and kill it in a single season. The bark often flakes off infected smaller twigs.

How is canker spread?

Bacterial canker infections occur during fall, winter and early spring (during cool, wet weather) and are spread by rain or water, and pruning tools. The bacteria overwinter in active cankers, in infected buds and on the surface of infected and healthy trees and weeds.

Does canker kill trees?

Canker diseases may cause extensive damage to trees when they kill all of the bark in a particular area, thus girdling a branch or main stem. Girdling results in death of all parts of the plant above the canker. If the trunk is affected, the entire plant may die.

How do you treat a canker stem?

Make pruning cuts just above the node, leaving a small stub to speed callus formation. Remove cankers by cutting 5 to 6 inches below the canker margin. After each cut, dip pruning tools in 70-percent alcohol or a dilution of 1 part household bleach and 4 parts water. This will prevent the further spread of the disease.

How can we stop citrus canker from spreading?

Ø The burning of infected plants or plant parts is done to prevent the spread of the disease. Ø The use of disease-free stocks is the best method to control the disease. Ø Spraying plants with 1% Bordeaux mixture are found be effective. Ø Infected fallen canker leaves and fruits are collected and burned.

Who is responsible for citrus canker?

One of the most important diseases of citrus is citrus canker, affecting almost all commercial varieties. Bacterium Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri ( Xcc ) is the etiological agent of citrus canker.

How is citrus canker transmitted?

Citrus canker is most severe in hot, wet areas. The infected sites ooze sap which can carry the disease from tree to tree by irrigation or rain splash. Citrus canker can spread quickly over long distances on infected citrus fruits and leaves, as well as on people and equipment.

What are the symptoms of citrus canker?

Citrus canker causes premature leaf and fruit drop, twig dieback, general decline, and blemished fruit (Fig. 1). Blister-like lesions on leaves and fruit start small and expand as the disease progresses. These lesions may darken to tan or black and develop a water-soaked margin with a yellow halo surrounding it (Fig.

Which disease is caused by citrus canker?

Citrus canker is a disease affecting Citrus species caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis….

Citrus canker
Common names bacterial spot of citrus
Causal agents Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri
Hosts citrus trees, including lime, oranges and grapefruit

How do you treat citrus canker?

Today, with regards to treating citrus canker via chemicals, worldwide the disease is managed with preventive copper-based bactericides. This is generally used in conjunction with cultural practices such as pruning and defoliation of diseased summer and fall shoots and the use of windbreaks.

What does citrus greening disease look like?

Citrus greening disease symptoms vary widely, but include new leaves that emerge small with yellow mottling or blotching, yellow shoots, enlarged, corky leaf veins, as well as fruits that are small, with green ends and filled with small, dark aborted seeds and bitter juice.

How do you control citrus gummosis?

Plant the trees on cambered beds to prevent losses from the disease. Avoid wounding, especially near the trunk base. Remove dead or infected tree material immediately. Inspect the orchard regularly for signs of the disease down to the first lateral roots.

Which disease is caused by bacteria?

Bacteria. These one-cell organisms are responsible for illnesses such as strep throat, urinary tract infections and tuberculosis. Viruses. Even smaller than bacteria, viruses cause a multitude of diseases ranging from the common cold to AIDS.