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What is the meaning of goads?

What is the meaning of goads?

something that urges or stimulates into action

Where was Paul going on the road to Damascus?

The Book of Acts says that Paul was on his way from Jerusalem to Syrian Damascus with a mandate issued by the High Priest to seek out and arrest followers of Jesus, with the intention of returning them to Jerusalem as prisoners for questioning and possible execution.

Who are you Lord Acts 9?

On the road to Damascus, Saul (Apostle Paul) said “Who are you Lord?” (Acts 9:4 ESV) when he heard a voice saying “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”(Acts 9:5 ESV ). Saul, a Jew must have been astounded when he heard the response: I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting (Acts 9:5 ESV).

Is it hard for you to kick against the goads?

It is useless for you to fight against my will.” To “kick against the goads” is nothing less than an exercise in vanity; futile and pointless. The Greeks and Romans used this saying to imply “ruinous resistance.” Paul had to learn the hard way that resistance to Jesus was a losing battle — hopeless.

What does Jesus say to Paul on the road to Damascus?

As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied. “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”

Who is Damascus in the Bible?

Damascus is mentioned in Genesis 14:15 as existing at the time of the War of the Kings. According to the 1st-century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus in his twenty-one volume Antiquities of the Jews, Damascus (along with Trachonitis), was founded by Uz, the son of Aram. In Antiquities i.

What does Damascus mean in Hebrew?

In Aramean the name might have been derived from Dermask or dersauk as (E deim) means land and (mask) means (red) in Syriac. Whatever the etymological origion of the word, Damascus remains, as ever (the eye of the whole east) as the Roman Julianus described the greatness of the city.

Are there US troops in Damascus Syria?

A U.S. soldier sits in an armored vehicle in Manbij, northern Syria, in 2018. Some 900 U.S. troops now remain in Syria — a relatively small force that some see as key to preventing a resurgence of Islamic State.

What military units are in Syria?

Syrian Armed Forces

Syrian Arab Armed Forces
Current form 1971
Service branches Syrian Arab Army Syrian Arab Air Force Syrian Arab Navy Syrian Arab Air Defense Force Syrian Military Intelligence National Defence Forces
Headquarters Umayyad Square, Damascus

Is military service mandatory in Syria?

Syrian males have to serve in the military upon reaching the age of 18 and those who study in the universities can postpone the service until finishing their education. Previously, Syrian males living abroad for four years and above could pay $8,000 to get exempted from the two-year mandatory military service.

Is there a military base in Aleppo Syria?

Last month, U.S. forces reportedly expanded another military base, which is located on the strategic M4 highway that stretches from the northern Syrian city of Aleppo in the west to the Iraqi border in the east.

How dangerous is Syria right now?

There is an ongoing risk of kidnapping and detentions of U.S. citizens and Westerners throughout the country. U.S. citizens remain a target. U.S. citizens are also targets of abduction and/or unjust detention by the Syrian government and while in detention do not have access to due process or medical attention.

Who is Syria allies?

Syria continues to foster good relations with its traditional allies, Iran and Russia.