What is the latitude for Vancouver?

What is the latitude for Vancouver?

49.2827° N, 123.1207° W

How many degrees west is Canada?

Canada is located on the geographic coordinates of 62.2270° N latitude and 105.3809° W longitude in North America.

What’s the coldest it gets in Vancouver?

The coldest temperature ever recorded in the city was −18.3 °C (−1 °F) on December 29, 1968. The coldest temperature across Metro Vancouver, however, is −23.3 °C (−10 °F) recorded on January 23, 1969.

How many degrees north is Vancouver?

Vancouver, BC, Canada Lat Long Coordinates Info Vancouver, BC, Canada is located at Canada country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 49° 14′ 46.6512” N and 123° 6′ 58.4136” W.

What hemisphere is Vancouver British Columbia?

Where is British Columbia? The Province of British Columbia is located in the extreme southwestern part of Canada, in the Continent of North America. It is geographically positioned in the Northern and Western hemispheres of the Earth.

What province is the farthest west in Canada?

British Columbia, westernmost of Canada’s 10 provinces.

What city in Canada has the most snowfall?

St. John’s, Newfoundland and Saguenay, Quebec top the lists as Canada’s snowiest large cities. St. John’s ranks first for total amount of snow, while Saguenay has the most days with fresh snowfall….Longest Lasting Snow.

City Days
Saguenay, Quebec 155
Québec City, Quebec 141
Sudbury, Ontario 136
Trois-Rivières, Quebec 134

What are the coordinates of Vancouver BC Canada?

Vancouver, BC, Canada Lat Long Coordinates Info The latitude of Vancouver, BC, Canada is 49.246292, and the longitude is -123.116226. Vancouver, BC, Canada is located at Canada country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 49° 14′ 46.6512” N and 123° 6′ 58.4136” W.

How tall is the elevation of Vancouver BC?

Vancouver, BC, Canada elevation is 82 meters height, that is equal to 269 feet. Coordinates of Vancouver, BC, Canada is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format.

How often is it hot in Vancouver BC?

Days of Hot Weather in Vancouver. Vancouver’s hottest days usually have temperatures in the high-twenties Celsius. Just once every three years on average does the thermometer nudge above 30 degrees Celsius (86 °F). Temperatures above 35 °C (95 °F) are not expected here.

When is the coldest night in Vancouver BC?

Vancouver’s chilliest winter nights have lows below -10 °C. The city averages just two nights a year, from November to February, when the thermometer drops that low. Temperatures down to -20 °C (-4 °F) are not normal here.