What is the hardest equation in math?

What is the hardest equation in math?

In 2019, mathematicians finally solved a math puzzle that had stumped them for decades. It’s called a Diophantine Equation, and it’s sometimes known as the “summing of three cubes”: Find x, y, and z such that x³+y³+z³=k, for each k from 1 to 100.

What is a fair question?

What does “That’s a fair question” mean? It’s slightly similiar to that’s a good question. Depending on the context, It usually means That’s a reasonable question.

What are good questions to ask at a college fair?

Helpful Questions to Ask Colleges During A College Fair

  • What do students like most about your school?
  • What kinds of students are happiest at your school?
  • Where do students hang out on campus?
  • What financial aid programs does your college offer?
  • What academic programs are the most popular at your college?

What are some good questions to ask a university?

When you’re on a college campus, be sure to slow down and ask a lot of questions….Academic Support Questions

  • What type of tutoring program do you have?
  • How do you provide academic advice to students?
  • Do you have a writing center and how do I access it?
  • What kind of learning disability resources do you have?

What should I ask on open days?

What to ask at a University Open Day

  • How will the course be assessed?
  • How many students will be on the course?
  • What careers have recent graduates gone on to?
  • Is there an opportunity to take a placement?
  • What does a placement/year abroad mean and what does it do?
  • What sort of student support provision is in place?

What questions can you ask a college student?

Questions to Ask Current Students

  • Why did you pick to attend this college?
  • What was your freshman experience like?
  • Do you feel there’s a good support / transition program for freshman students?
  • What is your favorite thing about this college?
  • Where is your favorite study place on campus?
  • Favorite place to eat?

Should parents contact college admissions?

Yes! Parents who start to refer to “our application” or call admissions offices too often can hurt their child’s chance of admission. If there are questions to be asked, it should be the student who asks them. Admissions officers want to hear the student’s voice in the essay, not anyone else’s.

How do you let a college know you’re interested?

How to Show Your Interest

  1. Build a track record of consistent contact. From college fairs to campus visits to personal interviews, take each opportunity to talk with the college representative.
  2. Make your case in supplemental application essays.
  3. Show you’ve really researched the college.
  4. Apply early.

Do colleges email parents?

Colleges do not give academic progress to parents of students who are 18 or older. This is because these students are legally considered adults, and distributing the records to parents would be considered a violation of privacy.

Can you lie about being a first generation college student?

Is it okay to lie in a college application that I am a first generation student? I feel being a first generation can be an advantage for top colleges. No, it is not OK to lie on your college application. About anything, for any reason.

Can colleges tell your parents your grades?

While a college student, you are protected by a law called the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). In essence: FERPA prevents your parents from seeing your grades unless you grant the institution permission to do so.

What looks good on a Harvard application?

In reviewing your application, Harvard considers the obvious markers of high school performance such as grades, test scores, and awards that you’ve received. Doing well by measures such as possessing an enviable GPA is necessary in order to be a competitive applicant.