What is the domain of any cubic function?

What is the domain of any cubic function?

The domain of a cube root function is the set of all real numbers. Unlike a square root function which is limited to nonnegative numbers, a cube root can use all real numbers because it is possible for three negatives to equal a negative. Step 2: Write the answer using interval notation.

What is the range of all cubic functions?

When the cubic function graph will be continued on the other side of the portion of the cubic function graph we can see, the domain and range may be greater than the visible values. The vertical of the graph is all range values 5and below, so the range is 0 (−∞,5].

What is the domain of a rational expression?

Domain of rational expressions The domain of any expression is the set of all possible input values. In other words, the domain of a rational expression includes all real numbers except for those that make its denominator zero.

What is domain and range of modulus function?

Modulus function The domain of the function is R. The graph of modulus function is continuous having a corner at x=0. However, the function values are only positive values, including zero. Hence, range of modulus function is upper half of the real number set, including zero.

How do you find the range of modulus?

For any real values of x, f(x) will give defined values. Hence the domain is R. Since we have absolute sign, we must get only positive values by applying any positive and negative values for x in the given function. So, the range is [0, ∞).

What is the range of the greatest integer function?

4. The domain of greatest integer function is R and its range is Z .

What is least integer value?

The function whose value at any number x is the smallest integer greater than of equal to x is called the least integer function. It is denoted by ⌈x⌉ It is also known as ceiling of x. The graph of the least integer function lies on or above the line y = x , so it provides an integer ceiling for x.