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What is the difference between random number and pseudo random number?

What is the difference between random number and pseudo random number?

The difference between true random number generators(TRNGs) and pseudo-random number generators(PRNGs) is that TRNGs use an unpredictable physical means to generate numbers (like atmospheric noise), and PRNGs use mathematical algorithms (completely computer-generated).

Why set a seed to a pseudo-random number generator?

The purpose of the seed is to allow the user to “lock” the pseudo-random number generator, to allow replicable analysis. Some analysts like to set the seed using a true random-number generator (TRNG) which uses hardware inputs to generate an initial seed number, and then report this as a locked number.

What is true RNG?

In computing, a hardware random number generator (HRNG) or true random number generator (TRNG) is a device that generates random numbers from a physical process, rather than by means of an algorithm. By repeatedly sampling the randomly varying signal, a series of random numbers is obtained.

Is atmospheric noise truly random?

True random number generators extract randomness from physical phenomena that are completely unpredictable. One source of randomness is atmospheric noise, the “static” generated by lightning discharges: world-wide, there are about 40 lightning flashes every second, which can be detected by an ordinary radio.

Is thermal noise random?

Thermal noise is generated by the random motion of free electrons in a conductor resulting from thermal agitation. The magnitude of the motion is proportional to the temperature of the conductor.

What is thermal noise power?

Thermal noise is a noise that is a result of the thermal agitation of electrons. The thermal noise power depends of the bandwidth and temperature of the surroundings.

Is thermal noise white noise?

Random thermal motion of charge carriers determines the thermal or Johnson-Nyquist noise generated within a conductor. Because thermal noise is basically white noise, it produces roughly equal power across the entire frequency spectrum.

How can I reduce thermal noise?

Thermal noise appears regardless of the quality of component used. The noise level is dependent only upon the temperature and the value of the resistance. Therefore the only ways to reduce the thermal noise content are to reduce the temperature of operation, or reduce the value of the resistors in the circuit.