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What is the difference between NA and nil?

What is the difference between NA and nil?

If you have no response for a question, put “none” or “nil” – do not draw a line or write “n.a.” or “not applicable.” If you fail to answer all the questions, this could create problems with your application, so remember to have an answer for each question.

What is a nil balance?

Where no figure is given, the amount is zero. Countries with a nil balance in all columns are not listed in the tables.

Which is correct Nill or nil?

Saying nil instead of zero or nothing is much more common in Britain than in the United States. In the U.S. you might hear a tennis score include the word nil, while in the U.K. it’s a common term for cricket and football scores as well. Nil is a contraction of the Latin word for “nothing,” nihil.

What Nill means?

intransitive verb. archaic : to be unwilling : will not will you nill you, I will marry you— William Shakespeare. transitive verb. archaic : refuse.

How do you write Nill?


  1. Nill. Not to will; to refuse; to reject.
  2. Nill (verb) To be unwilling; to refuse to act.
  3. Nill (noun) Shining sparks thrown off from melted brass.
  4. Nill (noun) Scales of hot iron from the forge.

What does nil mean on FB?

NIL: Next in line is used on Facebook buy and sell groups. If an item has been sold, someone can write NIL if the buyer pulls out.

Is Nilled a word?

verb (used without object), nilled, nill·ing. to be unwilling: will he, nill he.

What does nil mean in texting?


What means nil in aviation?

No Item Loaded or NO Items Listed

What does nil stand for insurance?

no deductible

What is Nof medical term?

NOF. neck of femur fracture (refers to hip fracture)

What is NAD in physical exam?

NAD – No Apparent Distress; No Acute Disease. NABS – Normal Active Bowel Sounds.

Where is the Nad body part?

noun. testicles. Shortened form of “gonads.” She kicked me in the nads! Squeezing my nads as hard as possible.

What does Nad do in the body?

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is critical for cellular function [1-3]. Found in every one of our trillions of cells, NAD catalyzes chemical reactions required to both generate energy and build and repair the molecules that make up our bodies.

What does BAR mean in medical terms?

Bright, Alert, and Responsive

What does bar stand for in nursing?

The definition of SBAR comes from its acronym, “Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendations.” It’s the best practice for nurses to communicate info to physicians and other health professionals. In this article, you’ll find an explanation of how and when to use this standardized communication tool.

What does the abbreviation bar mean?


Acronym Definition
BAR Best Available Rate
BAR Bureau of Automotive Repair
BAR Barrel
BAR Barbados