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What is the difference between MG and mEq?

What is the difference between MG and mEq?

A milligram, abbreviated mg, is a metric unit of mass or weight defined as one thousandth of a gram. A milliequivalent is a measure of the quantity of ions in an electrolyte fluid. One milliequivalent is one thousandth of one mole of charges and is represented by the symbol mEq.

What is a mEq equal to?

Note: The milliequivalent (mEq) is the unit of measure often used for electrolytes. It indicates the chemical activity, or combining power, of an element relative to the activity of 1 mg of hydrogen. Thus, 1 mEq is represented by 1 mg of hydrogen (1 mole) or 23 mg of Na+, 39 mg of K+, etc.

How many mEq of potassium are in mmol?

Each mL of potassium phosphate contains 4.4 milliequivalents (mEq) of potassium and 3 millimoles (mmol) of phosphate.