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What is the definition of the word unwieldy?

What is the definition of the word unwieldy?

: not easily managed, handled, or used (as because of bulk, weight, complexity, or awkwardness) : cumbersome. Other Words from unwieldy Synonyms & Antonyms The Difference Between Wieldy and Unwieldy Example Sentences Learn More about unwieldy.

What does unwieldy inheritance mean?

very large and difficult to manage

What is the base word of deplorable?

Deplorable comes from the French word déplorer meaning “to give up as hopeless,” meaning something is so bad, there is no hope of improvement like the deplorable actions of the arsonist who burned down the museum filled with priceless antiques.

What is the plural of deplorable?

One reason some people may have looked up the word may be that it seems unfamiliar: deplorable is defined as an adjective meaning either “lamentable” or “deserving censure or contempt,” a synonym of “wretched” or “abominable.” But Clinton’s use in the plural, deplorables, marks the word as a noun—and deplorable is not …

Is deplorable a noun or adjective?

“One reason some people may have looked up the word may be that it seems unfamiliar:deplorable is defined as an adjective meaning either ‘amentable’ or ‘deserving censure or contempt,’ a synonym of ‘wretched” or ‘abominable.

What is a deployable?

/dɪˈplɔɪ.ə.bəl/ (of soldiers or equipment) able to be moved to a place where they can be used when they are needed: The nature of modern warfare requires lighter, more agile, and more easily deployable forces. deployable troops/units/soldiers. See.

How long does deployable cover last?

10 minutes

What does non deployable mean?

The deployable status of Soldiers is directly correlated with the Army’s number one priority which is Readiness. Reporting Army Reserve Administrative and Legal Soldiers Non-Deployable. Soldiers are considered non-deployable if they meet one of the following: Soldiers that have not completed minimal training.

Is deployable a word?

Able to be deployed.

How do you spell deployable?

Correct spelling for the English word “deployable” is [dɪplˈɔ͡ɪəbə͡l], [dɪplˈɔ‍ɪəbə‍l], [d_ɪ_p_l_ˈɔɪ_ə_b_əl] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What does Software Deployment mean?

Software deployment

What is the best deployment tool?

Best Deployment tools

  • Juju. Juju is an open source application and service modeling tool from Ubuntu that helps you deploy, manage and scale your applications on any cloud.
  • Rundeck.
  • Spinnaker.
  • UrbanCode.
  • Capistrano.
  • XL Deploy.
  • Octopus Deploy.

What is CI CD in programming?

CI/CD is a method to frequently deliver apps to customers by introducing automation into the stages of app development. The main concepts attributed to CI/CD are continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment.

What is deploy in DevOps?

A Deployment pipeline is the process of taking code from version control and making it readily available to users of your application in an automated fashion. When a team of developers are working on projects or features they need a reliable and efficient way to build, test and deploy their work.

What is DevOps lifecycle?

The Origins of DevOps Lifecycle. DevOps is a simple, abbreviated term derived from the words “development” and “operations”. It involves practicing the several tasks of application development in a specific manner. In broader terms, a combination of software development and IT operations is dubbed as DevOps.

Users questions

What is the definition of the word unwieldy?

What is the definition of the word unwieldy?

: not easily managed, handled, or used (as because of bulk, weight, complexity, or awkwardness) : cumbersome.

Does unwieldy mean clumsy?

bulky, unmanageable, clumsy.

How do you use unwieldy in a sentence?

Unwieldy in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The young boy found it difficult to hold the unwieldy ball because of its huge size.
  2. Because the office paperwork has become unwieldy, the company is hiring a couple of temporary workers to help sort through the large stacks of paper.

What is the root word of unwieldy?

The base word wieldy has its roots in Old English, meaning “to handle or control” — used usually in reference to a weapon. You would not want an unwieldy person attempting to wield an unwieldy sword!

Is fiddly a word?

Something that is fiddly is difficult to do or use because it involves small or complicated objects. It was a time-consuming and fiddly job. Fish can be fiddly to cook.

What does unwieldy mean in Romeo and Juliet?

unwieldy. Definition: not easily carried, handled, or managed because of size or complexity.

What is another word for fiddly?

What is another word for fiddly?

complex difficult
awkward finicky
complicated knotty
intricate involved
thorny convoluted

What does fiddly bits mean?

(fiddlier comparative) (fiddliest superlative )Something that is fiddly is difficult to do or use because it involves small or complicated objects.

Does suspended mean banned?

There is no cutoff between “banned” and “suspended” and it is subjective and arbitrary. “Banned” is stronger in meaning than “suspended” and “suspended” has a stronger connotation of possibility that something “not allowed” would be lifted sooner than “banned”.

Does suspended mean forever?

Suspension can be either temporary (in which case, you return to your original state when it is over) or it can be permanent. Sometimes, for young people attending school, ‘permanent suspension’ is referred to as expulsion. Expulsion – or getting fired – is a kind of ‘left hanging’ (suspended) that lasts forever.