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What is the comparative and superlative of courteous?

What is the comparative and superlative of courteous?

Adjective. courteous (comparative more courteous, superlative most courteous) Showing regard or thought for others; especially, displaying good manners or etiquette.

What is comparative and superlative examples?

Comparative adjectives are used to compare one noun to another noun. In these instances, only two items are being compared. For example, someone might say that “the blue bird is angrier than the robin.” Superlative adjectives are used to compare three or more nouns.

Is Cautious an adjective?

adjective. showing, using, or characterized by caution: a cautious man; To be cautious is often to show wisdom.

What is the comparative and superlative form of early?

1.2. the adverb early

positive comparative superlative
early earlier earliest

What is comparative in grammar?

Comparative is the name for the grammar used when comparing two things. The two basic ways to compare are using as .. as or than. Examples of each are shown below: She’s twice as old as her sister.

How do you use the word comparative?

Examples of comparative in a Sentence a comparative analysis of the roles of women in different cultures The comparative form of “happy” is “happier”; the comparative form of “good” is “better”; the comparative form of “clearly” is “more clearly.” Noun “Taller” is the comparative of “tall.”

What is the comparative of thoughtful?

Two-syllable adjectives.

Two-Syllable Adjective Comparative Form Superlative Form
peaceful more peaceful most peaceful
pleasant more pleasant most pleasant
careful more careful most careful
thoughtful more thoughtful most thoughtful

What is comparative and superlative of difficult?

Adjective. difficult (comparative difficulter or more difficult, superlative difficultest or most difficult)

What is comparative degree of difficult?

The comparative degree of the word ‘difficult’ is ‘more difficult’ or ‘less difficult’.

What is the comparative and superlative of big?

We usually add ‘er’ for the comparative form and ‘est’ for the superlative form. …

What is the comparative of rich?

Comparative adjectives and opposites

Adjective ➝ comparative Opposite adjective ➝ comparative
hot ➝ hotter cold ➝ colder
warm ➝ warmer cool ➝ cooler
rich ➝ richer poor ➝ poorer
large ➝ larger small ➝ smaller