Helpful tips

What is the chemical formula of magnesium sulphide?

What is the chemical formula of magnesium sulphide?


Is caustic potash harmful?

CHEMICAL and contact can severely irritate and burn the skin and eyes leading to eye damage. ► Contact can irritate the nose and throat. ► Inhaling Potassium Hydroxide can irritate the lungs. Higher exposures may cause a build-up of fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema), a medical emergency.

What is the use of caustic potash?

It has universal applications in soaps and detergents, fertilizers, and industrial operations. It is also used in molten salts, dyes, pharmaceuticals, and photographic chemicals. KOH is commonly used in the food industry due to its excellent detergent and strong antimicrobial properties.

What is the difference between caustic soda and caustic potash?

Sodium Hydroxide is more commonly known as lye or caustic soda where Potassium Hydroxide is known as potash. Even though their solubility in room temperature water is about the same, products made with potassium hydroxide exhibit a greater solubility, especially as you increase the temperature of the water.

What do you mean by caustic potash?

Potassium hydroxide

What is the freezing point of Koh?

360 °C

What does caustic soda mean?

uncountable noun. Caustic soda is a powerful chemical substance used to make strong soaps and clean drains.

What is the formula of caustic soda?


What is the common name of caustic soda?

Sodium hydroxide

Is caustic soda and baking soda same?

Answer. caustic soda is another name of sodium hydroxide . it is used in soap and detergents while baking soda is a cooking soda I.e sodium bicarbonate.

Can I use baking soda for laundry stripping?

Stripping your laundry is easy, too. You simply fill your bathtub with hot water and let your laundry soak in a mixture of baking soda, Borax, and laundry detergent. It works great for towels, bedsheets, and other linens, but you can also use the method for clothes if you do so with care.

Can you use baking soda instead of lye to make soap?

In cold process soap, we did a few tests of adding baking soda to lye water and soap batter. Unfortunately, the baking soda and cold process soap did not work well. Click here to see the experiments (scroll down to the bottom). Fortunately, we found that adding baking soda to rebatch worked wonderfully.

How do you make homemade bath soap?


  1. ⅔ cup unrefined coconut oil (to produce good lather)
  2. ⅔ cup olive oil (which makes a hard and mild bar)
  3. ⅔ cup almond oil (grapeseed, sunflower, or safflower oil will also work, just make sure it’s a liquid oil)
  4. ¼ cup lye (100% sodium hydroxide … you can also find at local hardware stores)