Helpful tips

What is the average weight of a female Dogue de Bordeaux?

What is the average weight of a female Dogue de Bordeaux?

Males stand 23.5 to 27 inches at the shoulder and weigh a minimum of 110 pounds. Females stand 23 to 26 inches at the shoulder and weigh a minimum of 99 pounds.

What age is a Dogue de Bordeaux fully grown?

around 2 years old

How long do Dogue de Bordeaux live?

5 – 8 years

Should I get a Dogue de Bordeaux?

The Dogue de Bordeaux is a large but laid-back dog. They form very strong bonds with their owners and families and are therefore very loyal. They make good watch dogs as they love to bark and are quite intelligent. They can be very affectionate towards their families.

Does Dogue de Bordeaux have health problems?

Like any dog with a short face, deep chest and giant body, the Bordeaux has health problems. He is susceptible to heart and orthopedic problems, gastric torsion (bloat) and heatstroke. Common causes of death in the breed are cancer, primarily lymphoma; dilated cardiomyopathy and aortic stenosis; and bloat.

Can French Mastiffs live outside?

The short answer is no; Mastiffs cannot live outside full-time. Such a lifestyle can take a toll on the physical and psychological health of your dog. On the other hand, Mastiffs are moderately tolerant of colder weather conditions and enjoy their time in a garden or lawn during the colder months of the year.

How much should I feed my mastiff puppy?

Here is how much you should plan to feed you puppy every day based on age: 8-12 weeks: 2-4 cups. 3-4 months: 3-6 cups. 5-6 months: 5-8 cups….

How much should a French mastiff eat?

Usually, at about nine weeks of age, your French Mastiff puppy will weigh 12 pounds and will need at least 400 calories a day….

Do French Mastiffs shed?

Mastiffs have an easy-care coat, but they shed heavily. When Mastiffs reach adulthood and overcome their clumsiness and energy, they are wonderful companions who are calm, quiet, well mannered, and self-assured. They make excellent watchdogs, although they tend to not bark as much as other breeds.