Helpful tips

What is the antonym for benefit?

What is the antonym for benefit?

benefit(noun) Antonyms: encumbrance, detriment, nuisance, obstacle, hindrance, disadvantage, malefic. Synonyms: aid, subsidy, assistance, help, boon, foredeal, advantage, batten.

What is the antonym for cycle?

What is the opposite of cycle?

disarray interruption
pause stop
break halt
interval hesitation
rest discontinuance

What is the antonym of monotonous?

monotone – Dictionary Definition : Monotone is a droning, unchanging tone. When someone speaks in a monotone, his voice is flat and boring — plus listeners don’t Antonyms: nonmonotonic.

What is the similar word of monotonous?

SYNONYMS FOR monotonous 1 tedious, humdrum, boring, dull.

What type of word is massed?

verb – Word Type

What is massed practice in psychology?

a learning procedure in which practice trials occur close together in time, either in a single lengthy session or in sessions separated by short intervals. Massed practice is often found to be less effective than distributed practice.

What is another name for massed practice?

intensive physical rehabilitation interventions

What is interleaving in psychology?

Interleaving is a process where students mix, or interleave, multiple subjects or topics while they study in order to improve their learning. Blocked practice, on the other hand, involves studying one topic very thoroughly before moving to another topic.

What is massed practice PE?

Massed practice involves long practice periods without rests, where a skill is repeated continuously. With experienced and motivated performers, this practice structure allows them to increase the consistency of a skill and potentially get used to performing it while they are tired.

What are the three types of practice?

There are three types of practice, each of which yields particular results in acquiring skills: deliberate, blocked, and random.

Is swimming an open or closed skill?

Swimmers were chosen as the closed skill sport group due to its stable, predictable training environment, and because the skills in swimmers are less affected by the environment [4], [20], which may consequently result in less enhancement in cognitive skills relative to open skill sports.

Why is distributed practice actually better than massed practice?

Distributed practice is more effective than massed practice. The ideal length between practice sessions varies. And, it does so according to the amount of time students need to remember what you have taught them. Sadly, massed practice is still far more prevalent than distributed practice.