What is the another word for problem?

What is the another word for problem?

What is another word for problem?

hindrance dilemma
issue trouble
headache obstacle
setback adversity
pickle predicament

What does respirable mean?

: fit for breathing also : capable of being taken in by breathing respirable particles of ash.

What is respirable air?

adj. 1. Fit for breathing: respirable air. 2. Having characteristics, especially small size, that result in deposition in the lungs after inhalation: respirable particles.

What are respirable particles?

Respirable particulate fraction is that fraction of inhaled airborne particles that can penetrate beyond the terminal bronchioles into the gas-exchange region of the lungs.

What are the different types of particulate matter?

Particulate matter is separated into three main groupings: coarse particles (PM10), fine dust (PM2. 5), and ultrafine dust (PM0. 1). These particle sizes, in general, differ in origin and health effects….Coarse Particles (PM10)

  • Mold spores.
  • Bacteria.
  • Dust.
  • Smoke.
  • Airborne viral particles.

What is the difference between PM 2.5 and N95?

The very first difference lies in the filtered particle size. The KN95 mask filters out 95% of particles greater than 0.3 microns in diameter. On the other hand, the PM2. 5 masks filter out particles measuring 2.5 micrometers (2.5 microns) or larger.

What does N95 rating mean?

The N95 is made by various manufacturers under different names, from MSA’s “Affinity Foldable Respirator” to 3M’s “Particulate Respirator.” Look for “NIOSH N95” on the package; the “N95” is a government efficiency rating that means the mask blocks about 95 percent of particles that are 0.3 microns in size or larger.

Is 9473 a N95?

Only the USA’s governmental agency NIOSH gives out the N95 certification, and if it’s not on their lists or database, then it’s not certified N95. Other countries have their own ratings which you may see on packages, such as the European EN149 FFP2 or BIS approved IS 9473:2002 FFP2 which are equivalent to N95.