Helpful tips

What is the advantage of using MS Publisher instead of Word?

What is the advantage of using MS Publisher instead of Word?

Publisher works more like an image editing program than Word does. Use Publisher, and you can select shapes and graphics and drag them to precise locations within your document. You can’t do that in Word, but you can resize shapes, tables and images using your mouse.

Can I convert a Publisher file to Word?

Open the Publisher publication that you want to save as a Word document. Click File > Save As, and browse to the location where you want to save the Word document. In the File name box, type a name for the Word document. In the Save as type list, select the version of Word you want save for.

Can I open a .PUB file without publisher?

pub file is a Microsoft Publisher file format that’s easiest to open with Microsoft Publisher. If you don’t have Publisher, you can use LibraOffice Draw, CorelDraw, or other programs that support the . pub format. It may also be possible to use Zamzar to convert the .

What is the main function of Microsoft Publisher?

Publisher is a powerful software application used for desktop publishing. It allows you to manipulate features such as page size, text, graphics, and borders. Publisher’s strengths are in its ability to bring together text and images to make professional looking flyers, brochures, handouts, and newsletters.

What are the parts of Microsoft Publisher?

(Archives) Microsoft Publisher 2007: The Publisher Environment

  • Formatting toolbar. This toolbar contains buttons for common text formatting options in Publisher and throughout Microsoft Office (e.g., font, text alignment, or line spacing).
  • Objects toolbar.
  • Page boundary.
  • Page icons.
  • Page margin.
  • Format Publication task pane.
  • Rulers.
  • Standard toolbar.

What are the features of Microsoft Publisher?

Main features of Microsoft Publisher are:

  • Professional-level effects for texts, shapes, and pictures.
  • Ability to use high-resolution picture backgrounds.
  • Mail merge tools.
  • Personalization tools.
  • Drag-and-drop image importing and swapping.
  • Detailed ruler and guides for accurate measurements.
  • Document-sharing capabilities.

What is the main function of MS Publisher 2010?

Publisher is a program that helps you design professional publications such as newsletters, websites, brochures, catalogs, flyers, signs, postcards, invitations, greeting and business cards, letterheads, envelopes, business forms, banners, calendars, certificates, and more.

What does a GREY area mean?

: an area or situation in which it is difficult to judge what is right and what is wrong There are no gray areas in the rules.