What is sweep week?

What is sweep week?

“Sweeps week” used to be a live-or-die period of time in television: it was a period when the networks would bring out their biggest and best shows, offer special programs featuring major stars, and do whatever they could to increase their viewership, since the ratings companies (these days, it’s mainly Nielsen), which …

Should I turn on cellular data?

For almost everyone, it’s a good idea to leave Cellular Data on. When Cellular Data is off and you’re not connected to Wi-Fi, you can only use your iPhone to make phone calls and send text messages (but not iMessages, which use data). It’s amazing that almost everything we do on our iPhones uses data!

Should I get iPad with cellular or just WiFi?

In short, if your iPad rarely leaves your home and don’t want to deal with carriers and data plans, get the WiFi-only iPad. And if there’s ever a dire need to have it connect to the internet with no wireless networks around, you can always use the hotspot feature of your phone.

Is it worth getting iPad with cellular?

It’s not necessary until you need it. It’s easy enough to use your phone as a hotspot, but if you really spend enough time on your iPad then it’s a no brainer. I suspect that the majority of the folks that get cellular actually use the iPad as a primary device either travel a bit or live in an urban city.

What is the benefit of having an iPad with cellular?

The iPad with Cellular data allows you to hook up to the data network on your provider (AT, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile). This means you can access the Internet even when you are away from home, which is great for those who travel a lot and don’t always have access to a Wi-Fi network.

Can you make phone calls on an iPad with cellular?

Set up iPhone Cellular Calls You can use iPhone Cellular Calls with any Mac, iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch that meets the Continuity system requirements. It works when your devices are near each other and set up as follows: Each device is signed in to iCloud with the same Apple ID.

Do I need cellular on my iPad to FaceTime?

You can also use the FaceTime app to place audio calls, turning your iPad into a veritable phone with no calling plan required. Unlike iPhones, iPads can’t connect to cellular networks, so you will need to have Internet access to make FaceTime work.