What is stronger gravity or magnetism?
What is stronger gravity or magnetism?
To be exact, gravity is 137-times stronger than magnetism *at the planetary level*. There is, of course, an exception to this rule: Electromagnetism is stronger at the atomic and sub-atomic levels, so things are not as obvious as they might initially seem.
Is magnetism affected by gravity?
Therefore, we can say that magnetism does have an effect on the geometry of spacetime i.e. gravity. Magnetic effect on gravity: In technical terms: yes. For practical purposes: no. As Danu states, a magnetic field is a form of energy, and Einstein showed that energy can be equivalent to mass.
What is the difference between gravitational force?
Gravitation is the attractive force existing between any two objects that have mass. The force of gravitation pulls objects together. Gravity is the gravitational force that occurs between the earth and other bodies. Gravity is the force acting to pull objects toward the earth.