What is schooling like in Spain?

What is schooling like in Spain?

The Spanish Education System Compulsory education in Spain is from 6 to 16 years. Between 0 and 6 years of age children can attend schools that offer preschool and pre-primary education. Primary education consists of six academic years and is available to a pupils between 6 and 12.

How does the school system work in Spain?

Based upon the Ley Orgánica de Educación or Fundamental Law of Education, education in Spain is compulsory for all children and young people who are resident between the ages of six to 16 years, with primary education (primaria) lasting six years followed by four years of compulsory secondary education (Educación …

What do they call high school in Spain?

el Instituto

Are schools in Spain free?

Public schools in Spain The standard of the public school system in Spain is high. These schools are free for all children to attend, including expats, as long as they have registered on the municipal register, or Empadronamiento, at their local town hall.

Is home schooling legal in Spain?

Education in Spain All children in Spain must attend school between the ages of 6 and 16. This includes primary education (educación primaria) and compulsory secondary education (educación secundaria obligatoria or ESO). It’s also legal to home school your child in Spain.

What languages do schools teach?

According to this survey, in 2008 88% of language programs in elementary schools taught Spanish, compared to 93% in secondary schools. Other languages taught in U.S. high schools in 2008, in descending order of frequency, were French, German, Latin, Mandarin Chinese, American Sign Language, Italian, and Japanese.

Is Spain good for education?

Spain is one of the most visited European countries and a preferred study destination for many international students who wish to discover its interesting culture and lifestyle. Universities in Spain are the kind of places where you can enjoy both a good holiday and a great Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme.