What is red moon phase?

What is red moon phase?

Sometime in the last 10 days of October every year, we get a “Red Moon”. It’s that special time when the moon is peaking overhead or underfoot at prime time ( morning or evening) and mother nature is instinctively telling a buck its time to move.

How much is the moon guide app?

Download the NEW MoonGuide App for $24.99 by clicking on the buttons below. What if you could predict, months in advance, the best days and times to catch a mature buck moving during daylight?

Does the Deer Hunters Moon guide work?

Yes. Deer Hunters Moon Guide is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 15 Deer Hunters Moon Guide User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not.

How do you know when the moon is overhead or underfoot?

Registered. During full moon, the moon is directly overhead at midnight and under foot at noon. During new moon (don’t see the moon during day), the moon is overhead at noon and under foot at midnight. During quarter phases, the moon is overhead (or under foot depending on which quarter) at 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

What is a Red Moon for deer hunting?

“There are a handful of what I call red moon days,” says Hays, “when the moon is peaking overhead or is underfoot right at primetime, within 2-3 hours of dark, and those are the dates when there’s the best chance of mature animals moving during daylight.”

Is a full moon bad for deer hunting?

Another theory offers that during the full moon, deer move more at night and less during the day. While it’s not pronounced, my personal observation from over 40 years of whitetail hunting and study has been that daytime deer activity does seem to decline during the full moon.

What’s the best moon for deer hunting?

“The hunters I talk to generally like a rising moon or setting moon that coincides with dawn and dusk,” Kenyon said. “If the moon rises during the final hour of daylight or sets late in the morning, they expect increased deer activity. I also follow whether the moon is directly overhead or underfoot.

Is it good to hunt after a full moon?

Some hunters feel a full moon isn’t favorable for hunting because the deer spend the night feeding and rutting. Others argue that the light of the full moon can actually spark activity and get mature bucks moving earlier in the evenings. Many believe moon phase and the rut are linked though the QDMA says it’s not.

Does dog poop scare deer?

Dog feces and human urine is the same way. Both will work as a deer deterent, but only for such time as it takes for the deer to decide that it’s harmless. Then the deer will either step around it, or over it, or in it and continue on it’s way without a second thought.

What is the best way to repel deer?

Some deer-repelling plants with strong aromas include lavender, catmint, garlic or chives. Because they are thorny, roses are sometimes a good choice as well, but some deer find roses to be a wonderful snack.