What is Platinum most commonly used for?

What is Platinum most commonly used for?

Platinum is commonly known for being used in the manufacturing of jewellery but its main applications spread to catalytic converters, electrical contacts, pacemakers, drugs and magnets.

What does platinum consist of?

Platinum is a chemical element with the symbol Pt and atomic number 78. It is a dense, malleable, ductile, highly unreactive, precious, silverish-white transition metal. Its name is derived from the Spanish term platino, meaning “little silver”….Platinum.

Hydrogen Potassium

What is an example of platinum?

For example, platinum is used in the manufacture of nitric acid (HNO 3 ). Most catalytic converters contain platinum or other platinum metals. Platinum is used in other parts of a car or truck. Certain types of spark plugs, for example, may contain platinum.

What are some common compounds?


compound name compound formula elements present
carbon dioxide CO2 carbon (C) and oxygen (O)
sodium chloride NaCl sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl)
sodium hydroxide NaOH sodium (Na), oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H)
calcium chloride CaCl2 calcium (Ca) and chlorine (Cl)

What are the 3 classification of compounds?

Types of Compounds – Categories – Ionic, Molecular and Acids Most types of compounds fall in to one of three categories called ionic compounds, molecular compounds, or acids.

What are the two classification of compounds?

Chemical compounds can generally be classified into two broad groups: molecular compounds and ionic compounds. Molecular compounds involve atoms joined by covalent bonds and can be represented by a variety of formulas.

How do you classify elements and compounds?

An element is a material that consists of a single type of atom. Each atom type contains the same number of protons. Chemical bonds link elements together to form more complex molecules called compounds. A compound consists of two or more types of elements held together by covalent or ionic bonds.

What are the 3 properties of mixtures?

list 3 properties of mixtures

  • The composition of a mixture is not fixed.
  • Constituents of a mixture can be separated by physical processes such as evaporation, boiling etc.
  • No chemical process is involved in the formation of a mixture.
  • The properties of the components of a mixture are retained.

What features do all compounds share?

Common Features of Organic Compounds

  • Some compounds have chains of atom and some have rings.
  • All organic compounds contain carbon atoms and most contain hydrogen atoms.
  • Carbon forms single, double and tripe bonds to other carbon atoms.
  • For 2 or more carbon containing compounds, the type of bonding is determined by the number of atoms around carbon.

What are the 4 classes of organic compounds?

The four types most important to human structure and function are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleotides. Before exploring these compounds, you need to first understand the chemistry of carbon.

Were there any similarities or differences in organic compounds?

The primary difference that lies between these organic compounds and inorganic compounds is that organic compounds always have a carbon atom while most of the inorganic compounds do not contain the carbon atom in them. Almost all the organic compounds contain the carbon-hydrogen or a simple C-H bond in them.

What compounds are found in the human body?

Inorganic compounds are important in the body and responsible for many simple functions. The major inorganic compounds are water (H2O), bimolecular oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and some acids , bases, and salts. The body is composed of 60–75% water.

Is human body a molecule?

So we know that the cells of the body are made up of molecules. Molecules are collections of atoms. Water is made up of oxygen and hydrogen atoms. Proteins are made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and other elements.

Is there gold in the human body?

Plenty of elements on the periodic table can be found in the human body, and gold is no exception. An adult human body weighing 70 kg contains about 0.2 milligrams of gold.