What is Lyddie weakness?

What is Lyddie weakness?

What are Lyddie’s weaknesses? examples: She can’t read well and therefore can’t read through the contract she signs with the mill. She is not good at trusting other people to do things for her.

How is Lyddie loyal?

Answer Expert Verified In the book Lyddie, the young girl Lyddie has two passions. These are: a deep-seated loyalty to her family and a desire for independence as is so common in a teenager. She then works tirelessly in a textile mill to pay off her family’s debt on their farm.

How is Lyddie determined?

Lyddie is determined to never be beholden to anyone. She does not want to have to rely on others and insists on doing everything herself. She takes on the family debt single-handedly, believing that it is her responsibility and not her brother’s or her mother’s.

How is Lyddie a hard worker?

Lyddie is a loner, to a certain extent. This is not by choice though. When Lyddie gets separated from her family, her sole focus becomes on getting them back. This makes her a hard worker, but it also makes her fixated on money.

How does Lyddie respond to her injury How does Diana help her?

Diana immediately gets the wound covered with pressure and slowly works Lyddie to her feet. At first, Lyddie tries to convince everybody that she is fine and can go back to work. Diana insists that Lyddie go home. Diana gets her doctor friend to come examine Lyddie, and he further treats the wound.

How does Lyddie feel about training Brigid?

Lyddie remembered how overwhelming it was on her first day in the factory, but she was still impatient with the new girl. Lyddie told Brigid that it would get better as she got more practice. By the end of the first day, Lyddie knew that Brigid was not ready for her own machine but Lyddie had lost her patience.

What happens to Betsy in Lyddie?

At the time the novel takes place, tuberculosis is a death sentence for Betsy. Betsy is sick with tuberculosis, or TB. She becomes increasingly sick, first stopping work, then being sent to the hospital. Eventually her uncle comes to pick her up and take her home.

How did Lyddie treat Brigid?

Lyddie learns patience from helping Brigid learn how to read and work in the factory. When Lyddie first meets Brigid, she is irritated by the fact that she has to train a new girl. She does not like the fact that Brigid will slow her down. For Lyddie, at this point, making money is more important than making friends.

Who gets sick in Lyddie?

In Chapter 14, Lyddie returns to work before she is fully recovered from being hit by the shuttle. The working conditions at the factory are taking a toll on everyone – Amelia returns home, and Betsy, who has had a terrible cough, gets very sick and must be put in the hopital.

What does stilled mean in Lyddie?

stilled. stopped. Only $2.99/month. ornery. stubborn, often doing the opposite of what other people want you to do.

Why does Lyddie return to the tavern Chapter 23?

Lyddie told Triphena that Mama had died and Uncle Judah had sold the farm. Lyddie felt sad telling Triphena how her life had seemed to have turned out. Lyddie told Triphena that she wanted to come back and work at the tavern.

Why did Lyddie give Ezekial the money?

Listen for students to say: She gave him the money because she is generous, empathetic, committed to freedom, kind, etc. Probing questions: * “Does Lyddie have anything in common with Ezekial?”

What does Lyddie give Ezekial?

In one of the most moving passages in the book, Lyddie gives the $25 she received from selling her calf to the fugitive slave, Ezekial, whom she finds hiding out in her cabin.

Does Lyddie have anything in common with Ezekiel?

Lyddie wants to be independent, especially financially independent. Ezekiel longs to be free from slavery. Both characters are proud and honest people. Both work tirelessly, and both characters share a love of learning.

What does Lyddie think of the other passengers in the stagecoach?

Lyddie considers the stagecoach passengers ignorant and arrogant. When the coach gets stuck, she is the only one who is able to do anything about it. She just wants to get moving. None of the other passengers are grateful or even thank her.

What does hapless mean in Lyddie?
