Helpful tips

What is indicate mean?

What is indicate mean?

transitive verb. 1a : to point out or point to. b : to be a sign, symptom, or index of the high fever indicates a serious condition. c : to demonstrate or suggest the necessity or advisability of indicated the need for a new school the indicated treatment.

What is a stipulated agreement?

In its simplest definition, a Stipulation Agreement, is a legally binding contract between opposing parties in which they agree to the truth regarding some matter without having to provide proof. A “matter” simply means an issue or fact that is, or in the future may be, legally significant in a legal proceeding.

How do you use stipulation in a sentence?

Stipulation sentence example

  1. The stipulation on the passage of the money was fine with her.
  2. The tenant or farmer has the right of underletting or assigning his lease, in the absence of prohibiting stipulation (Art.

What is the synonym of specify?

SYNONYMS. state, name, identify, define, describe, set out, set down, draw up, frame, itemize, designate, detail, list, spell out, enumerate, particularize, catalogue, cite, instance, be specific about. stipulate, prescribe, order, command, ordain. rare individuate.

What’s another word for ultimatum?

What is another word for ultimatum?

demand requisition
proposition proviso
warning final notice
final offer final proposal
final terms final warning

Is it bad to give an ultimatum?

Ultimatums get a bad rap more often than not, especially in the context of relationships. In fact, sometimes, ultimatums, in some cases, can lead to healthy relationships. For example, they can be crucial to setting necessary boundaries with your partner and ensuring your relationship is comfortable for both people.

What is ultimatum in relationship?

Ultimatums can mean the death of a relationship. An ultimatum is a final demand that if not met you will be faced with a retaliation or a break in relations. It is basically a do this or else statement. By definition an ultimatum sounds harsh, but they are sometimes necessary to get results or force a decision.

When should I give my husband an ultimatum?

Ultimatums become necessary when your partner pushes against your bottom line and refuses to take whatever steps are necessary to make things right again. Your bottom line is the place where you cannot continue to feel safe, secure and respected in a relationship as long as certain behavior goes unchanged.

How do you deliver an ultimatum?

While it’s almost never cool to give someone an ultimatum, it is okay to give them a warning that tells them they’re pushing it. This gives you an opportunity to communicate how their actions are affecting you, lets you reassert your boundaries and makes it clear you’re serious about them changing their behavior.