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What is Hollanders approach to leadership called?

What is Hollanders approach to leadership called?

Question: What is Hollander’s approach to leadership called? Participative Transformational Charismatic. The relationship is a one-way street Leadership and followership are the same thing. Leadership and followership merge and are Linked concepts.

What is an effective follower and how can leaders encourage effective followership?

Leaders want followers who are positive and self-motivated, who take action to get things done, who accept responsibility, and who excel at required tasks. Followers want both their leaders and their colleagues to be honest and competent. However, they want their leaders also to be forward-thinking and inspirational.

What is the leader follower theory?

The leader-follower relationship is the social interaction that occurs between leaders and followers as they fulfil (and occasionally alternate in) these roles. It is a complex, continuously changing relationship subject to numerous demands, choices and constraints.

What best describe the leader-follower relationship?

What best describes the leader-follower relationship? The relationship is based on the idea of “one-man leadership.” Correct Answer: C. Leadership and followership merge and are linked concepts.

When followers are involved in the selection of a leader they tend to make fewer demands of the leader?

When followers are involved in the selection of a leader, they tend to make fewer demands of the leader. According to Robert Kelley, alienated followers frequently point out the negative aspects of an organization and are viewed by leaders as adversarial.

What is the importance of being a leader and a follower?

Being effective at followership contributes to successful leadership. There is a feedback loop of success when we seek opportunities to both lead and follow. As we hone our followership skills, we become better leaders. As leadership opportunities increase, we become better followers.

Why does a leadership theory focus on the followers?

Shamir (2007) posited that transformational leadership theory focuses on followers as recipients of leader behavior and influence. The leader’s behavior affects the behavior of the follower, and therefore, the theory is more leader-centric.

Why is the leader follower relationship important?

Leaders influence their followers according to the company’s needs, while followers influence leaders with their attitude and actions – it can have both positive and negative impacts.