Helpful tips

What is Circle C on Carnival?

What is Circle C on Carnival?

Circle C on Carnival is the hangout and activities program for 12- to 14-year-olds. Too old for Camp Ocean and too young for the less structured chill time in the Club O2 teen lounge, kids this age benefit from youth staff attention, scheduled activities and an exclusive club that doesn’t feel babyish.

What are the age groups for Camp Carnival?

Camp Carnival is a year-round, fleet-wide program that provides daily fun-filled and age-appropriate activities for children and teenagers between the ages of 2 and 11 years old.

Which Carnival Cruise ship is most kid friendly?

Carnival Horizon

How much is Camp Ocean on Carnival Cruise?

Sea Days: There are limited times throughout the cruise for ‘Under 2’ time. During these times, parents/guardians have the option of leaving their child in the care of the Youth Staff (fees apply: $6.75 USD per hour plus an 18% gratuity, per child) – or – they can stay and use the camp facility at no charge.

Can you drink on a Carnival cruise at 18?

Guests who are 18 – 20 years of age can purchase and consume beer or wine when the ship is in international waters (3 miles out of US territorial waters). Carnival- Guests who are under age 21 may not consume any alcoholic beverage aboard a Carnival cruise ship.

What state has the safest drivers?

Main Findings

Overall Rank State Safety
1 Texas 18
2 Indiana 33
3 North Carolina 23
4 Iowa 32

Which side of the road do the Japanese drive on?


Why did Sweden switch to driving on the right?

Sweden initiated the driving change in part because its neighbors already drove on the right side of the road. Many members of the Swedish parliament also argued that the left-hand vehicles Swedes drove had caused too many head-on collisions.

Why do the Brits drive on the left?

As most people are right-handed, the driver would sit to the right of the seat so his whip hand was free. Traffic congestion in 18th century London led to a law being passed to make all traffic on London Bridge keep to the left in order to reduce collisions. Today, only 35% of countries drive on the left.

Why do American cars drive on the right?

Drivers tended to sit on the right so they could ensure their buggy, wagon, or other vehicle didn’t run into a roadside ditch. Thus, most American cars produced before 1910 were made with right-side driver seating, although intended for right-side driving.