Helpful tips

What is Chinewalking?

What is Chinewalking?

Chine walking is a condition that, in general, high powered, higher speed, mostly flat bottom boats can get into, when 99% of the boat is out of the water, skimming along on the outdrive, and the boat will tip from side to side, as one chine touches the water, the force causes the boat to tip the other way…as the …

How do you fix a Porpoising boat?

Resolutions to an existing porpoising problem:

  1. Reduce Trim Angle.
  2. Change Static Weight Locations.
  3. Change Dynamic Forces location.
  4. Clean up Hull bottom condition.
  5. Optimize Propeller Selection.
  6. Design with Higher Deadrise (bottom surfaces)
  7. Trim Tabs.

How do I stop chine walking?

A tip to help eliminate your chine walking is this: Always keep the boat guessing. By just holding the steering wheel, you’re going to allow the boat to get into a rhythn which will lead to chine walking. Start out by “tapping” the steering wheel to the left – against the torque.

How is prop to pad measured?

Measuring the distance from the center of the prop shaft to the floor. Now just subtract the prop shaft measurement from the pad measurement. For my set-up, the prop is 2.75″ below the pad.

How do you adjust the height of a jack plate?

Adjust your jack plate until it is 3 1/2″ from the center of the prop shaft to the top of the yard stick. That is a good place to start. Then go out and run it with the GPS until you find the “sweet spot” and lock it down. You should be running your trim all the way up, then just tap it down.

Do I really need a jack plate?

The short answer is yes. Installing a jack plate on your boat for the outboard can allow your boat to go faster. A jack plate will lift your engine up in the water and bring your propeller closer to the surface of the water.

Does a jack plate really help?

Jack plates optimize performance and enhance the shallow water operation of outboard boats. Jack plates perform two key functions. One is setback, which distances an outboard from the boat’s transom, allowing the propeller to run in less-turbulent water.

Will a jack plate help with Porpoising?

A jack plate does not help with porpoise, only somewhat makes it worse, but with the right prop and setup, it will work. Never had this issue with aluminum boats and motor and kicker mounted on transom, also most new glass boats now have stepped hulls, which is a jack plate in its self.

How much does a jack plate help?

Many performance boats eliminate steering wheel torque, as well, as the motor is elevated, a biggie if a boat runs more than 50 mph, as all performance bass boats do. Jackplates allow improved performance in bass boats, raising the prop to maximum height for reduced drag, improving speed as well as fuel economy.

What is a setback plate?

What is a Setback Bracket? A setback bracket in simple language “pushes” the outboard motor further away from the transom. The benefit of the setback is that it adds weight to the rear of a boat (and increases the overall length) which can help raise the bow.

What does a manual jack plate do?

A jack plate is a mounting mechanism situated between the transom of the boat’s hull and the outboard engine. The jack plate provides adjustable vertical positioning of the outboard engine to change the height of the engine in the water.

Who makes the best jack plate?

Quick Reference Comparison Table

Editor’s Award Winner Setbacks Available
Best Hydraulic Jack Plate Bob’s Machine Shop Action Series Hydraulic Jack Plate 6″, 8″, 10″, 12″, and 14″
Alternative Top Pick T-H Marine Atlas 4″, 6″, 8″, 10″ and 12″
Best for Small Outboards T-H Marine Atlas Micro Jacker 4″

Can you use a jack plate to lower outboard motor?

yes, it will lower the engine as well as raise it. I did the same thing on my bay boat, 20″shaft on a 25″ transom.

How much does an Atlas jack plate weigh?

Technical Details

Manufacturer Atlas
Model 3002.1032
Item Weight 1 pounds
Product Dimensions 17 x 18 x 5 inches
Item model number AHJ-4V-DP

What is a hydraulic jack plate on a boat?

A hydraulic jack plate provides the boater with the greatest flexibility to adjust the vertical position of the engine while running. The engine can be placed at the optimal height for everything from rough water (lower vertical position) to shallow water (high vertical position).

How do you determine a jack plate setback?

Start at a known too low setting: 4″ shaft under pad. Run it, get your baseline numbers and WRITE IT DOWN GPS speed, NEVER a boat speedometer. Raise the motor 1/4″ at a time until you lose either lift, speed or water pressure, back down 1/4″ and you’ve found your exact spot.

Do you recommend a jack plate on a jon boat?

Yes always a good Idea IMO. You can Idle shallow without much trim and It won’t force the back of the boat down. Also have rigged 1 with low water pickup nosecone to run propshaft even with the bottom of boat.

Who makes Atlas plates?

T-H Marine

How much does a jack plate weight?

approximately 70lbs