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What is blond roux used for?

What is blond roux used for?

White and blond roux are the most common, used to thicken sauces, soups, and chowders. Brown and dark brown roux have more flavor, but less thickening power than white or blond roux. Dark roux are primarily used in Cajun and Creole dishes, most notably gumbo and jambalaya.

What is blonde sauce?

Veloute Sauce. Veloute sauce is a thinner, lighter white sauce than béchamel because it uses chicken or fish stock instead of milk or cream. It is often referred to as a “blonde sauce.” Ideally, the consistency of veloute should be thin enough to pour or a sauce that thinly coats the back of a spoon.

Can you add a roux at the end?

The second is to have a roux already made and then add it to the soup at the end. Not only does it thicken and add flavor (when dark enough) but since it contains starch in the form of flour, it can also keep a soup containing cream or cheese from breaking.

How do I know if my roux is burnt?

The key to good roux is to watch it carefully and whisk it almost constantly (if black specs appear, your roux has burned, and you should start over). Keep whisking until the desired texture and color is achieved.

How Do You Know When roux is done?

Roux takes time and patience, so just keep stirring. After about 6 or 7 minutes it will smell a little nutty and turn pale brown. If you take it even further, about 8 to 15 minutes or longer, you’ll get a dark roux. This is great for Cajun and Creole cooking.

How does one get a roux to change color?

Rouxs change character and color depending on how long they are cooked. A light roux is cooked until bubbly and the starchy flour taste has gone. A blond roux is made with butter and cooked until the mixture turns a beige color.

What does the name Roux mean?

The name Roux is a boy’s name of Latin origin meaning “russet”. Roux is French from a Latin word meaning russet or brownish red; it’s also a cooking term for a mixture of flour and butter that forms the foundation of many gravies or sauces.

What is the feminine of roux in French?

roux (feminine singular rousse, masculine plural roux, feminine plural rousses) russet. ginger (of hair)