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What is another word for searching for something?

What is another word for searching for something?

What is another word for searching for?

pursuing seeking
chasing sifting
looking for hunting for
seeking out rummaging around for
hunting tracking down

What is it called to find something?

locate. verb. to find out the exact place where someone or something is.

What is the act of looking for something?

scour (verb) “to look through (as a place) carefully or thoroughly in an effort to find or discover something.”

How do you say I’m looking for something?

  1. anticipating,
  2. awaiting,
  3. expecting,
  4. hoping (for),
  5. watching (for)

What is a word for to examine carefully?

scrutinize. verb. to examine something very carefully.

What is the meaning of a feeling of excitement to do something?

Excitement is a feeling or situation full of activity, joy, exhilaration, or upheaval. One thing about excitement — it sure isn’t boring. There are a few types of excitement, but they’re all exciting — they get your attention. If you can’t wait for your birthday, you’re feeling a happy kind of excitement.

What does rummaging mean dictionary?

verb (used with object), rum·maged, rum·mag·ing. to search thoroughly or actively through (a place, receptacle, etc.), especially by moving around, turning over, or looking through contents. to find, bring, or fetch by searching (often followed by out or up).

What is a good synonym for explore?


  • analyze.
  • examine.
  • probe.
  • research.
  • scrutinize.
  • search.
  • test.
  • try.

What is the synonym of wandering?

Some common synonyms of wander are meander, ramble, roam, rove, and traipse. While all these words mean “to go about from place to place usually without a plan or definite purpose,” wander implies an absence of or an indifference to a fixed course.

What word means to shine brightly?

radiant; gleaming; bright. resplendent; brilliant: shining talents.