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What is another word for running?

What is another word for running?

What is another word for running things?

supervising overseeing
managing running
superintending administering
conducting controlling
governing operating

What’s another word for running fast?

What is another word for run fast?

pelt rush
scoot sprint
whizz barrel
bolt flash
hasten scramble

What is the verb for running?

verb (used without object), ran [ran], run, run·ning [ruhn-ing]. to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk and in such a manner that for an instant in each step all or both feet are off the ground.

What are two synonyms for run?

Synonyms & Antonyms of run

  • dash,
  • gallop,
  • jog,
  • scamper,
  • sprint,
  • trip,
  • trot.

Why do runners say on your left?

Alert people when you are passing—don’t assume they are aware of their surroundings. A simple “on your left” warning will suffice. When running on the track, respect the operating hours of the track.

How would you describe running?

Running is a method of terrestrial locomotion allowing humans and other animals to move rapidly on foot. Running is a type of gait characterized by an aerial phase in which all feet are above the ground (though there are exceptions). Running has been described as the world’s most accessible sport.

What is the adjective of run?

run–in (noun) running (noun) running (adjective) running (adverb)

What is the synonym of jog?

In this page you can discover 40 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for jog, like: run, trot, pace, nudge, do laps, canter, exercise, jiggle, jostle, notify and poke.

Why do runners run against traffic?

“If no pavement or pedestrian lane is available,” they write, “facing traffic substantially improves pedestrian safety.” The reason is simple — you can’t react to something you can’t see. “Running against traffic allows you to see incoming vehicles and to react to them,” she says.

What are some words associated with running?

Altitude Training. Spending time completing training in areas that are above sea level.

  • Anaerobic Threshold. The point at which your body switches from aerobic (with oxygen) to anaerobic (without oxygen) metabolism.
  • Aquajogging.
  • Bandit.
  • Bib.
  • Black Toenails.
  • Bloody Nipples.
  • Bonk/Hitting the Wall.
  • Brick Workout.
  • Burnout.
  • What words describe a runner?

    Words to Describe runner. As you’ve probably noticed, adjectives for ” runner ” are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this website, the top 5 adjectives for “runner” are: excellent long-distance, great long-distance, pitiful athenian, swiftest human, and slick independent. There are 562 other words to describe runner listed above.

    What is synonym for runners?

    ball carrier, runner(noun) (football) the player who is carrying (and trying to advance) the ball on an offensive play. Synonyms: smuggler, moon-curser, base runner, contrabandist, blue runner, runner, ball carrier, moon curser, stolon, offset. runner(noun) a long narrow carpet. Synonyms:

    What is another name for a runner?

    Another word for runner. Noun. runner – someone who travels on foot by running. contrabandist, moon-curser, moon curser, runner, smuggler – someone who imports or exports without paying duties.