Helpful tips

What is another word for memorable?

What is another word for memorable?

Memorable Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for memorable?

unforgettable noteworthy
catchy extraordinary
famous momentous
special striking
distinguished exceptional

What is the antonym for memorable?

What is the opposite of memorable?

forgettable undistinguished
overdone unimportant
worthless banal
indistinct quotidian
trivial uninspired

What is the verb for memorable?

remember. To recall from one’s memory; to have an image in one’s memory. To memorize; to put something into memory. To keep in mind, be mindful of.

What does iconic mean in slang?

Iconic is widely used to describe incredibly successful and influential people who epitomize (and/or ushered in) some significant cultural moment, or who might otherwise be idolized for their actions or talents.

What is the definition of the word iconic?

1 : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an icon. 2a : widely recognized and well-established an iconic brand name.

What is the most reproduced photo in the world?

Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima

How can I name my photos?

Go to the folder where you want to rename your files, then tap the files you want to rename. You’ll see a green tick on the ones you’ve selected. Tap the ‘rename’ option at the bottom of the screen. You’ll then see a pop-up box with two file renaming options; ‘numbers’ and ‘original filename’.

How do I create a photography logo?

Here are four photography logo ideas to keep in mind:

  1. Present your specialty. Start by listing the words that describe your business.
  2. Stick to a solid color.
  3. Make it attractive.
  4. Keep legibility in mind (especially in regard to shifting scale)

What is PhotoLogo?

PhotoLogo is a service that creates custom, handcrafted logos that photographers can use to watermark their images. Each logo is designed by a calligraphy artist and delivered to you in just a few days.

How do you make a professional photography logo?

How to make your own photography logo

  1. Create your photography logo in two minutes, simply by entering your business name and tagline (if relevant) and clicking Design.
  2. Tell us a little about your photography business, select a logo type,
  3. Make adjustments and tweaks with our logo editor to bring your vision to life.