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What is another word for car in French?

What is another word for car in French?

automobile) voiture f ⧫ auto f.

What is the proper term for car?

British Dictionary definitions for car (1 of 2) car. / (kɑː) / noun. Also called: motorcar, automobile a self-propelled road vehicle designed to carry passengers, esp one with four wheels that is powered by an internal-combustion engine.

What is a poule?

slang. a young woman, particularly a promiscuous one.

How do you say car slang?

Pejorative terms include beater, bucket, clunker, crate, heap, jalopy, junker, rattletrap, and wreck. (“Gas guzzler,” meanwhile, emphasizes a car’s lack of fuel economy, and “land yacht” also indicates excessive size.)

Why is a vehicle called a car?

The English word car is believed to originate from Latin carrus/carrum “wheeled vehicle” or (via Old North French) Middle English carre “two-wheeled cart,” both of which in turn derive from Gaulish karros “chariot.” It originally referred to any wheeled horse-drawn vehicle, such as a cart, carriage, or wagon.

Why do you call car she?

Referring to cars as “she” promotes the ideology that women are objects; things to be seen as property owned by men. If a person has the subconscious belief that women are not as good as men, they will treat them as such.

What cars are built in France?

French cars are most popular in European market, as based on a survey about 25% vehicles driven in Europe are made in France. Although several major car companies have set manufacturing facilities in France, the traditional French car brands par excellence remain Peugeot, Citroen and Renault.

What is the French word for car?

The word for car in French is voiture. According to French rules of grammar, voiture is feminine. If you saw it on a vocabulary list or in a… See full answer below.

What is a French race car?

1. Renault Alpine. This is a break-away from the usual everyday cars that Renault is famed for producing. The Alpine is a sports car that succeeded the Feugo and in all areas. It is a rear engine coupe that got noticed post its success on the race tracks during the early ‘70s.