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What is another word for bring back to life?

What is another word for bring back to life?

What is another word for bring back to life?

wake resurrect
revitalizeUS revivify
rouse animate
restore reawaken
regenerate resuscitate

What is the meaning of bring me back?

1 to carry, convey, or take (something or someone) to a designated place or person.

What is the meaning of bring back memories?

If something brings back a memory, it makes you start thinking about it. Your article brought back sad memories for me.

What is the meaning of bring back?

1 : to come back with (something or someone) What did you bring back (with you) from your vacation? Bring your roommate back with you when you come home for the holidays. You promised to bring me back a present.

How do I use bring back?

bring somethingback

  1. 1to make someone remember something or think about it again The photographs brought back many pleasant memories.
  2. to make something that existed before be introduced again synonym reintroduce Most people are against bringing back smoking on airplanes.

What is the meaning of keep up?

transitive verb. : to persist or persevere in kept up the good work also : maintain, sustain keep standards up. intransitive verb. 1 : to keep adequately informed or up-to-date keep up on international affairs.

What’s the meaning of keep up with?

1 : to go or make progress at the same rate as (others) : to stay even with (others) in a race, competition, etc. The other runners struggled to keep up with the leader. He found it difficult to keep up with the rest of the class.

What is the meaning of make up?

transitive to invent an explanation for something, especially in order to avoid being punished or embarrassed. He made up some excuse about the dog eating his homework.

What kind of word is they ve?

They’ve is the usual spoken form of ‘they have,’ especially when ‘have’ is an auxiliary verb.