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What is another word for a mountain top?

What is another word for a mountain top?


  • aiguille,
  • horn,
  • pinnacle,
  • summit.

What is the other name for top?

What is another word for top?

finest greatest
best leading
dominant lead
premier elite
preeminent foremost

What is the highest point called?

Some common synonyms of peak are acme, apex, climax, culmination, pinnacle, and summit. While all these words mean “the highest point attained or attainable,” peak suggests the highest among other high points.

What is a peak called?

summit, peak, pinnacle, climax, apex, acme, culmination mean the highest point attained or attainable. summit implies the topmost level attainable. at the summit of the Victorian social scene peak suggests the highest among other high points.

What’s the top of a hill called?

The transitive verb “summit” refers to reaching the top of a hill or mountain. ‘summit’ and ‘summited,’ are the terms I’ve heard most frequently employed by actual mountain climbers.

What is at the top of a mountain?

Peak. The top of a mountain is called its peak. It is also called a summit, so mountain-climbers call getting to the top “summiting.”

What’s another word for top quality?

synonyms for highest-quality

  • excellent.
  • exceptional.
  • marvelous.
  • outstanding.
  • superb.
  • best.
  • first-class.
  • great.

What is the opposite of top in English?

Antonym of Top

Word Antonym
Top Bottom
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What word is the opposite of peak?

Opposite of the point of highest activity, quality, or achievement. bottom. nadir.

What is a small hill called?

A hillock is a small hill. Other words include knoll and (in Scotland, Northern Ireland and northern England) its variant, knowe. Artificial hills may be referred to by a variety of technical names, including mound and tumulus.

What is the top-quality?

Definitions of top-quality. adjective. surpassing in quality. synonyms: high-grade, top-grade best. (superlative of `good’) having the most positive qualities.

How do you say high-quality?

synonyms for high-quality

  1. excellent.
  2. finest.
  3. first-rate.
  4. prime.
  5. superior.
  6. exclusive.
  7. five-star.
  8. shipshape.

What is the reverse of top?

What is the opposite of top?

bottom lowest
low lower
second-rate second-string
low-ranking lower-ranking
most inferior

What does zenith mean in English?

1 : the point of the celestial sphere that is directly opposite the nadir and vertically above the observer — see azimuth illustration. 2 : the highest point reached in the heavens by a celestial body. 3 : culminating point : acme at the zenith of his powers— John Buchan.