What is an R strategist species?

What is an R strategist species?

R-selected species, also called r-strategist, species whose populations are governed by their biotic potential (maximum reproductive capacity, r). Wilson; K-selected species—that is, species whose population sizes fluctuate at or near their carrying capacity (K)—make up the second strategy.

Are humans R strategist or K strategist and why?

Both across and within species, r and K strategists differ in a suite of correlated characteristics. Humans are the most K of all. K’s supposedly have a longer gestation period, a higher birthweight, a more delayed sexual maturation, a lower sex drive, and a longer life.

Are humans K selected or R selected?

Elephants, humans, and bison are all k-selected species. On the other hand, r-selected species often inhabit unstable environments and are completely density independent. These species often have short life expectancies, produce as many offspring as they can, and invest very low amounts of parental care.

What does R stand for in r-selected species?

A whale tends for a single calf. r-selection: On one extreme are the species that are highly r-selected. r is for reproduction. Such a species puts only a small investment of resources into each offspring, but produces many such low effort babies.

Are cockroaches R strategists?

R-selected species are things like the cockroach. They’re generally small and have short lives, so their best bet is to put their energy into growth. They grow quickly and produce as many offspring as possible to carry on genetic information.

Are Snakes r-selected species?

Despite having characteristics of both R and K strategists, Eastern Milk Snakes are R strategists. Mainly because of the fact that they do not care for their young, but also because the baby snakes mature fairly quickly.

What is a feature of R-selected species quizlet?

r-selected species tend to be small, have many offspring, expend or invest minimal energy for each offspring, mature early, have short life spans, and may reproduce only once in their lifetime. Competition for resources in r-selected species’ habitats is typically relatively low.

What are examples of R-selected species?

Typical examples of r-species are mice, rabbits, weeds and bacteria, which have a lot of offspring, but a short life expectancy. Examples of organisms undergoing K-selection are tortoises, elephants, people, and sequoia trees: their offspring are few but long-lived.

What survivorship curve is K-selected species?

life tables (K-selected species), usually have a Type I survivorship curve. This relatively flat curve reflects low juvenile mortality, with most individuals living to old age. A constant probability of dying at any age, shown by the Type II survivorship curve, is evident as a straight line with a constant slope that…

What animals have a Type 1 survivorship curve?

Humans and most primates have a Type I survivorship curve. In a Type I curve, organisms tend not to die when they are young or middle-aged but, instead, die when they become elderly.

What does R stand for apes?

R-Selected Species. variable population size, often well below carrying capacity. R-Selected Species. Variable and unpredictable mortality.