Helpful tips

What is an indirect signature for FedEx?

What is an indirect signature for FedEx?

Indirect signature required FedEx will obtain a signature from someone at the delivery address or from somebody nearby, such as a neighbor or building manager. The recipient has the option to authorize the shipment to be released without anyone present. This change can be requested through FedEx Delivery Manager®.

What do I do if my FedEx package isn’t yours?

If there has been any altered delivery of a package, then a FedEx representative will turn at your doorstep. He will collect the package wrongly delivered to you and do the necessary needful to return the shipment to the rightful owner. The shipment can be easily tracked with the FedEx website.

Can I refuse delivery from yodel?

Yodel are rubbish because they are cheap and don’t pay their delivery drivers properly (they have To use own vehicles and pay for own petrol). You can reject delivery on the parcel when it arrives and yodel will have to return it to the supplier.

Can I pick up my parcel from yodel?

Once you have tracked your parcel on our tracking page, you may be offered the option to collect your parcel. If you choose to collect your parcel then we will remind you of the opening times after you have confirmed the collection.

How much do yodel couriers earn per parcel?

Self Employed Delivery Drivers Required – Delivering a healthy amount of parcels within your local area using your own vehicle. – Earning potential equates to the equivalent of £10 – £15 p/h (paid per parcel) – The more you deliver the more you can earn!

How much does a self employed Hermes courier earn?

The average wage for a Hermes courier is £9.80 per hour after expenses, it said. Trade unions have nevertheless grown concerned about the impact on pay rates of the increasing use of self-employed couriers.

How much should I charge as a courier?

Although most couriers charge by the job, it’s not uncommon to charge by the mile, especially for longer deliveries. For example, $1.50 per mile if you are using a car, $2.00 per mile if you need a pickup or van because of the size of the items.

How much do Takealot drivers earn per delivery?

Hundreds of Takealot delivery drivers earn between R5000 & R12000 per month, so sign up today.