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What is a word for putting others first?

What is a word for putting others first?

altruistic Add to list Share. Someone who is altruistic always puts others first. This word comes from the Old French altruistic and means “other people” and before that the Latin alter, which means “other.” Our current word comes from the nineteenth century and comes from philosophy.

What is the verb form of SAD?

The word “SAD” has no verb form.

What is the verb of memorable?

remember. To recall from one’s memory; to have an image in one’s memory. To memorize; to put something into memory.

What type of word is memorable?

adjective. worth remembering; notable: a memorable speech. easily remembered.

What is the adjective of memorable?

adjective. /ˈmɛmərəbl/ memorable (for something) special, good, or unusual and therefore worth remembering or easy to remember synonym unforgettable a truly memorable occasion The city is memorable for its fantastic beaches.

What is the verb for different?

The verb form of different is differ.

What is the verb of valid?

validate. To render valid. To check or prove the validity of; verify.

What is the verb for solution?

solve. To find an answer or solution to a problem or question; to work out. (mathematics) To find the values of variables that satisfy a system of equations and/or inequalities.

What is the adjective form of Attract?

attract is a verb, attractive is an adjective, attraction is a noun:Magnets attract iron or steel. That actress is very attractive.

What is the adjective of Centre?

central. Being in the centre. Being the most important. Having or containing the centre of something. Being very important, or key to something.

What is the adverb form of Attract?

In an attractive manner; with the power of attracting or drawing to.

What is the adjective of anxiety?

anxious is an adjective, anxiously is an adverb, anxiety is a noun:I was anxious about the results. solicitous:Her parents were anxious about her poor health.