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What is a word for always hungry?

What is a word for always hungry?

Ravenous, ravening, voracious suggest a greediness for food and usually intense hunger. Ravenous implies extreme hunger, or a famished condition: ravenous wild beasts.

What can I say instead of hungry?

In this page you can discover 62 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for hungry, like: famished, ravenous, starved, starving, unfilled, hungry as a wolf, craving, empty, hankering, edacious and famishing.

What is the meaning of hungry in one word?

1a : feeling an uneasy or painful sensation from lack of food : feeling hunger. b : characterized by or characteristic of hunger or appetite a wolf with hungry eyes. 2a : eager, avid hungry for affection. b : strongly motivated (as by ambition) hungry investors a power-hungry politician.

How do you express hunger in words?

Don’t be a Word Bore – Alternative Ways of Saying ‘Hungry’

  1. Hunger.
  2. – noun. – a strong desire or need for food.
  3. Famished.
  4. I’m Hank Marvin.
  5. Feeling peckish.
  6. Ravenous.
  7. I could eat a horse!
  8. Hungry as a wolf/bear/lion/nanny goat/hunter/schoolboy.

How do you spell hungry in food?

adjective, hun·gri·er, hun·gri·est. having a desire, craving, or need for food; feeling hunger.

Is it hungriest or most hungry?

Superlative form of hungry: most hungry.

How do i say im hungry?

Ways to Say I’m Hungry

  1. I’m Starving. Starving literally means being close to death from lack of (2) food.
  2. I’m Ravenous. Again, this is an extreme term to describe an extreme level of hunger and lack of food.
  3. I’m Peckish.

Whats the opposite of hungry?

Opposite of having a strong desire or craving. apathetic. indifferent. disinterested. flippant.

What are words that rhyme with eat?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
meat 100 Noun
beat 100 Verb, Noun
repeat 100 Verb
defeat 100 Noun, Verb

What does the word hungry mean in English?

Affected by hunger; desiring of food; having a physical need for food. (figuratively) Eager, having an avid desire (‘appetite’) for something. Not rich or fertile; poor; barren; starved. Synonyms:

Which is the best synonym for the word Hunger?

1 (obsolete) Hungry; pinched for food. 2 Synonyms: 3 hungry, eager, greedy, keen, avid, craving, yearning, athirst, covetous, thirsty, aching, desirous, hot, longing, pining, raring, thirsting, voracious, agog, antsy, anxious, ardent, crazy, desiring, dying, enthused, enthusiastic, excited, hankering, impatient,

How to increase your appetite for the word of God?

Set aside time to read Scripture. Listen to it from an app on your phone. Make deliberate effort to be in church and hear the preaching of God’s Word. Feed the appetite you do have, and it will grow. 2. Starve Competing Appetites

Why do I have no hunger for God’s word?

If you sense no hunger at all for God’s Word, something is wrong. Period. It is the newborn babe who desires the sincere milk of the Word. Some never desire it because they’re never newborn, and some lose their desire because they become spiritually sick.