Helpful tips

What is a virtual yard sale?

What is a virtual yard sale?

You post a picture of the item you want to sell along with a description and price. People who are in the group will comment that they want the item and arrangements are made for a meeting place and time. You can search for one in your area by typing in “virtual yard sale” in the Facebook search box.

What is an online yard sale?

With an online yard sale, you don’t have to do any setup, take down, or placing individual prices on each item. Just decide what you want to sell, how much you want to sell it for, list your ad online, and wait for someone to be interested.

How do I set up an online yard sale?

Steps To Creating A Virtual Yard Sale Using Facebook

  1. Clean Your Items And Take Great Photos.
  2. Create An Album On Facebook And Upload Your Photos.
  3. Describe Each Item In Great Detail.
  4. Share The Album More Than Once.
  5. Keep The Album Current.
  6. Set A Time Limit.
  7. 3 More Posts That Will Help You Earn Money:

How do you hold a virtual yard sale?

Online Garage Sale Tips

  1. Why you should Move Your Garage Sale On-Line: No-Sweat Item Display.
  2. Organize your Items. One of the most important online garage sale tips for beginners is to organize your items into categories.
  3. Find the Platform.
  4. Write Detailed Item Descriptions.
  5. Take Good Pictures.
  6. Set Your Boundaries.
  7. Advertise Online.

How do you post a yard sale on Facebook?


  1. Click on Marketplace from your newsfeed. It’s located on the left side of the page.
  2. Click on Sell Something to list items.
  3. Click on Category and select Garage Sale.
  4. Create a description under “What are you Selling?”.
  5. Set the price to zero.
  6. Add your sale’s location and some pictures.
  7. Click Next and then Post.

Can you advertise garage sales on Facebook marketplace?

You can use Marketplace to advertise a garage sale. You can also search for local sales groups to join. These groups allow you to advertise garage sales, and other items you want to sell to their members.

How do I advertise my garage sale?

Yard Sale Advertising

  1. Advertise on Craigslist.
  2. List Your Yard Sale in the Newspaper Classifieds.
  3. Make Garage Sale Signs.
  4. Submit Your Sale to Yard Sale Websites.
  5. Promote Your Yard Sale on Social Media.

Where is the best place to advertise a garage sale?

Best place to advertise garage sales:

  • Your town’s Craigslist (navigate to the “for sale” section and select “garage sale”)
  • Online social networking sites, like Nextdoor and Facebook Marketplace.
  • Local publications, like community message boards and newsletters.
  • Moving or estate sale sites, if applicable.
  • On signs placed by major intersections near your house.

Do estate sales make money?

The estate sale industry runs on commission. Money is made when items sell. Some companies have a set commission they charge, regardless of what’s in the sale (though they may turn down a sale they deem “too small”).

What should I expect from an estate sale?

Estate sales are also known as tag sales in some places. They’re different from garage sales, though, because they’re usually run by a professional company, and the goal is to sell all the items remaining in the home. In most estate sales, the public is invited into the house and can browse through everything there.

What percentage do estate sale companies charge?

All Estate Sale companies base their fees on a percent of the sale. Percentages in the U.S. range from 30% to 60%, depending on services provided and the overall estimated value of the sale. Hiring a company that offers the lowest percentage does not mean you will make more money.

Can you negotiate estate agents fees?

Like many things, commission can be negotiable, and if you wish to choose a high street estate agent you can usually negotiate the fee price. Fees of 1% including VAT are reasonable, and you may be able to go even lower if the agent really wants your business..