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What is a sentence for undermine?

What is a sentence for undermine?

1 : to subvert or weaken insidiously or secretly trying to undermine his political rivals. 2 : to weaken or ruin by degrees.

What does it mean to undermine someone?

A common definition for the term “undermine” is “to erode the base or foundation” or “to weaken or damage (someone or something), especially gradually or insidiously.” So to undermine is to weaken the position, goals, or success of something or someone – with “undermining behavior” in the workplace being the acts of …

What is the synonym of undermined?

1’the integrity of government statistics is being undermined’ SYNONYMS. subvert, sabotage, threaten, weaken, compromise, diminish, reduce, impair, mar, spoil, ruin, impede, hinder, damage, hurt, injure, cripple, disable, enfeeble, sap, shake. whittle away, eat away.

Is it undermine or Undermind?

Some people believe in a mystical overmind, but not even they believe in an “undermind.” The word is “undermined.” If you dig under a castle wall to prepare to breach its defenses, you are undermining it, digging a mine under it.

What to do when your staff undermine you?

How to Deal With Difficult Employees Who Undermine Your Authority

  1. Get to the Bottom of It.
  2. Get Your Difficult Employee’s Feedback Before Going Public.
  3. Speak to Your Difficult Employee Privately.
  4. Undermining Employee Conduct.
  5. Reject the Difficult Employee’s Behavior.
  6. Lead by Example and Define Company Culture.

Can someone get you fired?

Unfortunately, getting fired without a reason can happen to just about anyone. In many cases, unless there is a contract or bargaining agreement, employees are considered covered under employment at will, which means your employer doesn’t need a reason to fire you.

Should I use personal phone for work?

Short Answer: Yes. When employees must use their personal cell phones for work-related calls, Labor Code section 2802 requires the employer to reimburse them.

Can my employer see what apps I use on my phone?

Technically speaking, a company can see the wireless carrier, country, make and model, operating system version, battery level, phone number, location, storage use, corporate email and corporate data. The company can also see the names of all the apps on the device, both personal and work-related.

When should a company pay for your cell phone?

If the employee has unlimited minutes or data, the employer is still required to pay “a reasonable percentage of the employee’s cell phone bill.” The defense is that the company is passing it’s operating expenses onto the employee. One thing that still remains undetermined is what constitutes a reasonable percentage?