Helpful tips

What is a hover in cinder?

What is a hover in cinder?

Edit. A hover is a transportation vehicle used on Earth. It is designed to elevate itself from the ground through magnetism and fly at a constant altitude of up to a few meters above the ground by utilizing a magbelt in the engine.

What does cinder keep watching on the Netlink?

She blames Cinder not only for infecting Peony, but also for behaving unfeelingly: She was sick and you were… The prince’s coronation is beginning, so Cinder watches it through her netlink while she scrubs the hover with soapy water.

Is Dr Erland a lunar?

Erland is a Lunar. His daughter was killed because she was a shell, a Lunar born without magic. He then escaped to Earth in hope of finding Princess Selene, a supposedly dead Lunar that would have taken the throne from Queen Levana if it weren’t for her disappearance.

What age should you read the Lunar Chronicles?

This book is a little mature for kids, and I would reccomend it to other teenagers, of at least 13 or 14 years of age. The mature themes only progress as the series goes on, with the last book having the most violence.

Is there romance in the Lunar Chronicles?

It’s refreshing to see how in The Lunar Chronicles the romance is put on the backburner and there’s no last minute “Oh we’re about to die, let’s have sex!” kind of thing. Nevertheless, the romance works as a wonderful plot device, and you know who your ships are from the beginning.

Do you have to read the Lunar Chronicles in order?

The Lunar Chronicles Series includes a quartet of 4 main books (Cinder, Scarlet, Cress & Winter), 1 bridge book (Fairest) & 1 novella (Stars Above). The Reading Order of the 4 main books is pretty straightforward. They are meant to be read in publication order.

How old are the characters in the Lunar Chronicles?

I remember Cinder being 16 in her book, Kai 18 in her book, Scarlet 18 in Scarlet, Wolf is 24 (giving them the largest age gap of all the main characters), Cress was 15-16 in Cress while Carswell is between 18-22 in Cress, Winter being 19 in her book and Jacin 20-21.

What does Queen Levana really look like?

Physical attributes. In Cinder, Levana used her glamour to hide her true appearance. With her glamour, she had long and curly auburn hair, onyx eyes, and extremely red lips.