What is a convex side?
What is a convex side?
more Curved outwards. Example: A polygon (which has straight sides) is convex when there are NO “dents” or indentations in it (no internal angle is greater than 180°) The opposite idea is called “concave”.
What is a convex triangle?
Non-convex. A polygon is convex if all the interior angles are less than 180 degrees. If one or more of the interior angles is more than 180 degrees the polygon is non-convex (or concave). All triangles are convex It is not possible to draw a non-convex triangle.
What is the convex side of a spoon?
The curved surfaces of a spoon act like mirrors. The front part of the spoon is concave while the back side of the spoon is convex.
Why are you upside down on a spoon?
Unlike a flat mirror, the curved surface of the spoon’s bowl bounces incoming rays back towards a central focus point lying between your face and the centre of the spoon’s. In passing through this point, rays from the upper part of your face are reflected downward, while those from the lower part are reflected upward.
Is Spoon a spherical mirror?
The curved shining surface of a spoon acts as a mirror. The most common example of a curved mirror is a spherical mirror. If the reflecting surface is convex, then it is a convex mirror. The inner surface of a spoon acts like a concave mirror, while its outer surface acts like a convex mirror.
What are the types of spherical mirror?
There are two types of spherical mirrors: concave and convex mirror.
Why do we see our image in a shining spoon?
We see an inverted image in a spoon when kept far from our face with concave side towards our face. It is because our face is outside the focal legth of the conave side of the spoon. We see a virtual inverted image whereas in case of concave mirror we can see a virtual image which is erect.
What kind of mirror is the back of a spoon?
convex mirror
Why is concave upside down?
A concave mirror is a mirror whose reflecting surface is curved inwards. The light rays from your face fall on the top of the spoon and get reflected downwards. While, the light rays from your feet fall on the bottom of the spoon and get reflected upwards. As a result, you see yourself upside down.
Which surface of a spoon always forms an erect image of your face?
What do you see when you look at the front of a spoon?
The front (concave) side of the spoon behaves as a concave mirror with quite a short focal length (e.g. 10–20 mm). If you look at yourself in this mirror from further away than that, the mirror forms an inverted real image, which is what you see.