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What is a antonym for Voyage?

What is a antonym for Voyage?

Antonyms. stay in place stand still rise recede ascend ride linger. Synonyms. space travel crossing spacefaring journey journeying.

What is another word for ransacked?

In this page you can discover 71 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for ransack, like: turn-upside-down, leave-no-stone-unturned, rummage, sound, rake, scour, ferret-out, overhaul, peer, pry and maraud.

What is the meaning of plunder?

1a : to take the goods of by force (as in war) : pillage, sack invaders plundered the town. b : to take by force or wrongfully : steal, loot plundered artifacts from the tomb. 2 : to make extensive use of as if by plundering : use or use up wrongfully plunder the land.

What part of speech is ransack?

transitive verb

What is a Ransacker?

1. To search through (something) thoroughly and often roughly: ransacked the drawer looking for my keys. 2. To go through (a place) stealing valuables and causing disarray; pillage: ransacked the village.

What’s the difference between pillaging and plundering?

‘Plunder’ refers to the roving of soldiers through recently conquered territory in search of money and goods. ‘Pillage’ describes the act of stripping a conquered city or people of valuables. As pirates are not soldiers, they would now pillage, but as they are soldier-like they could also plunder.

What is the opposite of steep?

I would suggest you can call it “a gradual incline.” In the context of inclines, I suggest that ‘slight’ is most commonly used as the opposite of steep.

What is the synonyms and antonyms of pillage?

Antonyms for pillage ˈpɪl ɪdʒ

  • loot, booty, pillage, plunder, prize, swag, dirty money(noun) goods or money obtained illegally.
  • plundering, pillage, pillaging(verb) the act of stealing valuable things from a place.
  • plunder, despoil, loot, reave, strip, rifle, ransack, pillage, foray(verb) steal goods; take as spoils.

How do you use pillage in a sentence?

(1) There were no signs of violence or pillage. (2) They brought back horrific accounts of murder and pillage. (3) The invading troops were guilty of rape and pillage. (4) Physical possession would be emotional pillage, her identity, free will and pride the spoils he claimed for himself.

What is the meaning of pillagers?

Definitions of pillager. noun. someone who takes spoils or plunder (as in war) synonyms: despoiler, freebooter, looter, plunderer, raider, spoiler.

How do you use redoubtable in a sentence?

Redoubtable in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Despite his intense workouts, the boxer was no match for his redoubtable competitor who held several title belts.
  2. The young singer was anxious about facing off against the redoubtable singer who had been performing for twenty years.

What does redoubtable mean in English?

1 : causing fear or alarm : formidable. 2 : illustrious, eminent broadly : worthy of respect.

What is a scoffer?

scoffer noun [C usually plural] (LAUGHER) someone who laughs and speaks about a person or idea in a way that shows that they think that person or idea is stupid or silly: I was able to prove the scoffers wrong. More examples.