What if a hyperbola equation equals 0?

What if a hyperbola equation equals 0?

A hyperbola with the right hand side equal to zero. One variable is squared and the other variable is missing. If the right hand side is zero, then it is a line (x2 = 0 so x = 0) and if the right hand side is negative (x2 = -1), then there is no graph.

What shape is an egg called?


Are all eggs oval?

Most eggs are oval, and sometimes they are long and elongated. One end is slightly larger and heavier while the other end is smaller and conical. The shape of the egg has an important use. It protects the chick inside, until it is time for it to break out of its shell.

Can eggs be round?

It’s not round or spherical, like some reptile eggs. So one reason that eggs have an asymmetric tapered oval shape is that if you nudge them, they’ll come back to you.

Is an egg symmetrical?

The first thing to notice is that an egg is a very symmetric object. If we look at the egg from lots of different directions, then the view from many of the directions is the same.

Is there an egg shaped planet?

Almost two times the size of our Jupiter, WASP-12b is a sizzling gas giant whose temperature is approximately 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit (2,210 degrees Celsius). Gravity causes enormous tidal forces which are stretching the planet into the shape of an egg.

Which planet takes 29 years to orbit the sun?

Saturn takes about 10.7 hours (no one knows precisely) to rotate on its axis once—a Saturn “day”—and 29 Earth years to orbit the sun.

Is it possible to have a donut shaped planet?

A donut planet, also known as a toroid planet, is a theoretical type of planet that resembles a donut, rather than a typical sphere. While a donut planet is extremely unlikely to naturally exist anywhere in the universe, it is actually possible for such a planet to exist.

What if Earth was shaped like a donut?

The overall climate on donut Earth would be similar to what we currently have on our round Earth. It would be colder in the polar regions, and warmer at the equator. But the weather would be a little more extreme, and could even make some parts of the planet inhospitable, due to storms and hurricanes.

What if the Earth was bigger than the sun?

The Sun accounts for 98% of the mass of our entire solar system. And compared to the densest planet, which is our very own planet Earth, the Sun is more than a million times more massive! In fact, it would take roughly 1,300,000 planet Earths to fill the entire Sun!

What would happen if Earth bigger?

If Earth’s diameter were doubled to about 16,000 miles, the planet’s mass would increase eight times, and the force of gravity on the planet would be twice as strong. Life would be: Built and proportioned differently.