Helpful tips

What family games can we play?

What family games can we play?

Here are 14 family time ideas to get you started:

  • Try one of these five Thinking games, which are a fun way to pass the time and can be played instantly.
  • Play Mad Libs!
  • Start a drawing game.
  • Play hide and seek.
  • Try a pencil and paper game, like Dots and Boxes.
  • Play hot potato.
  • Play an old school game of spoons!

What is the fishbowl teaching strategy?

Fishbowl is a strategy for organizing medium- to large-group discussions. Students are separated into an inner and outer circle. In the inner circle or fishbowl, students have a discussion; students in the outer circle listen to the discussion and take notes.

What is a jigsaw strategy?

Jigsaw is a cooperative learning strategy that enables each student of a “home” group to specialize in one aspect of a topic (for example, one group studies habitats of rainforest animals, another group studies predators of rainforest animals).

How do you do a jigsaw activity?


  1. Divide students into 5- or 6-person jigsaw groups.
  2. Appoint one student from each group as the leader.
  3. Divide students into 5- or 6-person jigsaw groups.
  4. Appoint one student from each group as the leader.
  5. Divide the day’s lesson into 5-6 segments.
  6. Assign each student to learn one segment.

What is a fishbowl speech?

A fishbowl conversation is a form of dialog that can be used when discussing topics within large groups. Fishbowl conversations are sometimes also used in participatory events such as unconferences. The advantage of fishbowl is that it allows the entire group to participate in a conversation.

What is a fishbowl Socratic Seminar?

Inner/Outer Circle or Fishbowl: Arrange students in inner and outer circles (a “fishbowl”) where. the inner circle engages in a dialogue and the outer circle observes, taking notes on the seminar. process and new understandings about the text. The outer circle can share their observations as.

What’s a Socratic Seminar?

The Socratic seminar is a formal discussion, based on a text, in which the leader asks open-ended questions. Within the context of the discussion, students listen closely to the comments of others, thinking critically for themselves, and articulate their own thoughts and their responses to the thoughts of others.

How do you talk in a Socratic Seminar?

Socratic Seminars require students to be able to lead a discussion by posing thoughtful and engaging questions without teacher intervention. Students also need to listen carefully to others and carry the conversation forward by adding on, agreeing or disagreeing, and asking clarifying questions….

How do you structure a Socratic Seminar?

5 Steps to a Successful Socratic Seminar

  1. Step 1: Choose a Text. The purpose of Socratic seminars is to use evidence to support interpretations of a text.
  2. Step 2: Let Students Prepare.
  3. Step 3: Give Students Questions.
  4. Step 4: Set Up Inner and Outer Circles.
  5. Step 5: Don’t Jump In.

How do you teach the Socratic method?

Tips for the Teacher

  1. Plan significant questions that provide structure and direction to the lesson.
  2. Phrase the questions clearly and specifically.
  3. Wait Time: Maintain silence and wait at least 5 to 10 seconds for students to respond.
  4. Keep the discussion focused.
  5. Follow up on students’ responses and invite elaboration.

What is the Socratic method of questioning?

Socratic questioning is a form of disciplined questioning that can be used to pursue thought in many directions and for many purposes, including: to explore complex ideas, to get to the truth of things, to open up issues and problems, to uncover assumptions, to analyze concepts, to distinguish what we know from what we …

What are Socrates ideas?

Philosophy. Socrates believed that philosophy should achieve practical results for the greater well-being of society. He attempted to establish an ethical system based on human reason rather than theological doctrine. Socrates pointed out that human choice was motivated by the desire for happiness….