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What engineering did Tony Stark study?

What engineering did Tony Stark study?

The character Tony Stark dabbles in all fields, from computer science/AI to mechatronics to electrical engineering to mathematics. In the comics, his degree is in electrical engineering.

Is Tony Stark a mechatronics engineer?

Of course you are going to prefer this suit…. Over this one…. In the movie Iron Man, Tony Stark is shown to have studied electrical engineering and and also physics. But he also developed Jarvis by himself which requires one to be a computer or software engineer.

Is Tony Stark a robotics engineer?

He is an engineer. At the age of 14 he developed transistor , so he is electronic engineer . His suit contain a lot of mechanical parts and robotics so he is Mechanical engineer. He designed Stark Tower with his girlfriend and also gave her 12% credit for this, this shows that he is a humble civil engineer.

What kind of education does Tony Stark have?

Iron Man As for what Stark studied at MIT, the details are a bit scarce. In the comics, Stark earned two master’s degrees in engineering by age 19, although there are conflicting sources that say he received doctorates in engineering physics and artificial intelligence.

How long is PhD in public health?

four to six years

Is there a PhD in public health?

Professionals interested in a doctorate in public health can earn a Ph. A DrPH program is more practice-based and prepares graduates for leadership roles in public health organizations. The other doctoral degree options are more academic in nature and prepare individuals for teaching or academic research positions.

Is masters in public health worth it?

Specifically, is a Master’s in Public Health (MPH) worth it? Yes! Those who pursue an MPH degree are likely to see incredible salary potential and job opportunities after graduation. Most of all, they develop a greater voice in the field and in turn, tend to have a greater impact on the world.