What does too emotional mean?

What does too emotional mean?

If it has anything to do with feelings like happiness or anger, then consider it emotional. A co-worker who cries at the drop of a hat is overly emotional. When you’re emotional, you’re feeling lots of feelings, or emotions: happy, sad, afraid, lonely, mad. An emotional speech makes you stand up and cheer.

How do you describe someone mentally?


  • stable. adjective. with a healthy mental and emotional state.
  • well-balanced. adjective. a well-balanced person is sensible and is mentally strong and healthy.
  • unstable. adjective.
  • disturbed. adjective.
  • maladjusted. adjective.
  • mixed up. adjective.
  • hung up. adjective.
  • messed up. adjective.

What are the four elements of mental health?

This was characterized as the “four humors,” which each pertained to an element with distinct qualities: Melancholic [Earth (dry)], Sanguine [Air (cold)], Choleric [Fire (hot)], and Phlegmatic [Water (moist)]. An imbalance of these elements internally was considered to be responsible for disease.

How do you identify mental illness?


  1. Feeling sad or down.
  2. Confused thinking or reduced ability to concentrate.
  3. Excessive fears or worries, or extreme feelings of guilt.
  4. Extreme mood changes of highs and lows.
  5. Withdrawal from friends and activities.
  6. Significant tiredness, low energy or problems sleeping.

What country has best mental health?

While Luxembourg’s movements are incredibly impressive, Germany is considered the leader in terms of mental health care practices in Europe.

What is the least depressed country?

What are the ten least depressed countries in the world?

  • Solomon Islands.
  • Papua New Guinea.
  • Timor – Leste.
  • Vanuatu.
  • Micronesia.

What is the lowest level of depression?

A mood problem that’s down in the dark range, but doesn’t quite reach the level of depression, is dysthymia (dis-THIGH-me-ah). It refers to a long-term drone of low-grade depression that lasts for at least two years in adults or one year in children and teens.