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What does the word spied mean?

What does the word spied mean?

verb (used with object), spied, spy·ing. to catch sight of suddenly; espy; descry: to spy a rare bird overhead. to discover or find out by observation or scrutiny (often followed by out). to observe (a person, place, enemy, etc.) secretively or furtively with hostile intent.

What is another word for spied?

What is another word for spied?

seen viewed
remarked caught a glimpse of
caught sight of descried
distinguished espied
gaped at gawked at

What is the root word of privacy?

privacy (n.) 1600 as “seclusion, state of being in retirement from company or the knowledge and observation of others,” from private (adj.) + abstract noun suffix -cy. 1400 as “a secret, secret deed; solitude, privacy”), from Old French privauté.

What is the root word of descent?

Descent has been in the English language since the 14th century. The French word from which it descends, descendre, ultimately comes from a Latin term whose literal meaning is “to climb” (scandre) “down” (de-). This sense is very familiar to speakers of current English who have studied natural history.

Is a sister a direct descendant?

Such a person is also called a lineal descendant, “direct” descendant, or “offspring” descendant. A spouse, stepchild who has not been adopted by the stepparent, parent, grandparent, brother, or sister of an individual is not a descendant of that individual.

What is an example of descendant?

Descendant is defined as an offspring of a particular person. An example of a descendant is a man being the great, great grandson of someone. A person’s child, grandchild, great-grandchild, or other offspring in the direct line of descent. …

What is the legal definition of descendant?

A descendant is a person born in a direct biological line. For example, a person’s children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are their descendants. family & personal matters. wills.

What is a descendant sign in astrology?

The Descendant Sign in the Birth Chart is the opposite sign of your Ascendant, or that which was descending under the horizon at the exact moment of your birth.

What is the descendant sign of Gemini?
