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What does Team Edward and Team Jacob mean?

What does Team Edward and Team Jacob mean?

Fans of Twilight tend to divide themselves into teams based on their preference of the two male protagonists of the series, Edward Cullen and Jacob Black. People who identify themselves as “Team Edward” favor Bella Swan choosing Edward, while those on “Team Jacob” believe that she should be with Jacob.

What does Jacob say to Bella?

I love you
In the movie, Lautner’s Jacob leans in for a first kiss with Bella, played by Kristen Stewart, when he murmurs a phrase in Quileute. “I love you” seems to be the most popular translation chosen by blogging fans of the four-novel saga set in Forks, LaPush and Port Angeles. But the tribe isn’t saying.

What am I not the right kind of monster for you?

“Fall down again, Bella?’ “Well, I’m so sorry that I can’t be the right kind of monster for you, Bella.” …

What does Loca mean in Twilight?

Twilight Series Answers TwiGirlTLA said: What he said is ‘loca’ in spanish and that means crazy.

What does Jacob imprinting mean?

Quileute shape-shifters
Jacob’s imprinting. It’s not like love at first sight, really. Jacob Black explaining to Bella Swan about imprinting. Imprinting is the involuntary mechanism by which Quileute shape-shifters find their soulmates. It is a profound, intimate phenomenon that exists among the Quileute shape-shifters.

Why does he call Bella Loca?

Twilight Series Answers He ssaid it bad, too! TwiGirlTLA said: What he said is ‘loca’ in spanish and that means crazy.

What does Loca stand for?


Acronym Definition
LOCA Loss of (Receive) Crossing Alert
LOCA Loss of Coolant Accident (pipe rupture accident at nuclear power plant)
LOCA Liquid Optically Clear Adhesive (for electronics’ screens)
LOCA Location and Context Awareness (Symposium)

What did Jacob mean when he said loca?

Twilight Series Answers No, its latino, jacob was just getting his role mixed up wit HIM. He ssaid it bad, too! TwiGirlTLA said: What he said is ‘loca’ in spanish and that means crazy.

What Loca mean in English?

loca is spanish for crazy.

Is Loco a spanish word?

Loco is the spanish word for crazy, mad, insane.