Helpful tips

What does Purpura rash look like?

What does Purpura rash look like?

Purpura is characterized by small purple spots on the skin, typically 4-10 millimeters in diameter. Some people develop larger patches of 1 centimeter or greater. These are called ecchymoses. Sometimes the spots can appear on mucous membranes, for instance, inside the mouth.

Should I worry about purpura?

Patients who experience purpura with any of the following symptoms should seek medical treatment: Low platelet count, which may lead to increased bleeding after an injury, bleeding gums or nose, or blood in urine or bowel movements. Sore, swollen joints, particularly in the ankles and knees.

Does purpura rash go away?

Sometimes the spots from purpura do not go away completely. Certain medications and activities can make these spots worse. To reduce your risk of forming new spots or making spots worse, you should avoid medications that reduce platelet count.

What medications cause purpura?

Other drugs associated with drug purpura include the following:

  • Antibiotics (eg, cephalosporins, rifampicin)
  • Gold salts.
  • Analgesics.
  • Neuroleptics.
  • Diuretics.
  • Antihypertensives.

Why does my skin turn purple and blotchy?

Livedo reticularis is thought to be due to spasms of the blood vessels or an abnormality of the circulation near the skin surface. It makes the skin, usually on the legs, look mottled and purplish, in sort of a netlike pattern with distinct borders. Sometimes livedo reticularis is simply the result of being chilled.

What is the fastest way to get rid of purpura?

How is purpura treated?

  1. Corticosteroids. Your doctor may start you on a corticosteroid medication, which can help increase your platelet count by decreasing the activity of your immune system.
  2. Intravenous immunoglobulin.
  3. Other drug therapies.
  4. Splenectomy.