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What does not expect mean?

What does not expect mean?

If you tell someone not to expect something, you mean that the thing is unlikely to happen as they have planned or imagined, and they should not hope that it will.

What is another word for not expected?

not expected; unforeseen; surprising: an unexpected pleasure; an unexpected development.

What’s a word that means not good enough?


What is a word for good enough?

What is another word for good enough?

adequate satisfactory
passable sufficient
presentable all right
acceptable OK
fair decent

What is another way to say good enough?

Satisfactory and good enough – thesaurus

  • satisfactory. adjective. good enough to be accepted in a particular situation.
  • adequate. adjective. good enough or large enough for a particular purpose.
  • fine. adjective.
  • acceptable. adjective.
  • decent. adjective.
  • respectable. adjective.
  • reasonable. adjective.
  • tolerable. adjective.

What does not adequate mean?

: not adequate : not enough or good enough : insufficient inadequate equipment also : not capable was inadequate as a leader.

What is the disadvantages of adequate water replacement?

While the disadvantages of adequate water is, It may not remove pesticides. The advantages of commercial fluid is, it is easier to digest than food. While the disadvantages of commercial fluid is it is full of sugar, commercial fluid are full of vitamins and minerals, but most are also full of sugar.

Why do you need to drink water instead of soft drinks?

Replacing a can of soda with a glass of water every day will save you approximately 100 calories, which can make a huge difference in your daily calorie intake over time. Most sodas contain 40 to 80 grams of sugar per can or bottle, which is the equivalent to eating 20 to 40 sugar packets! Scary, right?